Part Six: The Saviours

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"Stefan, it's me!" Clementine yelled up at the balcony, "I really need to talk to you."

After a period of silence, Clem looked back awkwardly at her group, shrugging and chuckling.
If she didn't know better, she would have assumed the tower was abandoned.

"Stefan, come on, please?" She called again.

This time, Stefan's bearded face leaned down from over the railing.

"Clementine, Brecken is here right now, there's nothing I can do for you." He sighed.

"No that's perfect, I actually need to talk to him." She replied.

Stefan screwed up his face, clearly confused.

"Are you joking right now?"

"Not even a little, can we see him?" Clem said.

"I'm sorry, Clementine, banished means banished. He's not going to let you inside."

"Can he come out here?"

Stefan thought for a moment before nodding his head slowly.

"Alright, I'll get him, but after this, no more favours, got it?"

"Thanks, Stefan." Clem smiled.

She took a seat on the concrete retaining wall at the base of the tower, peering over it at the alleyway below, where two biters wandered aimlessly.
Violet sat down next to her, leaning back slightly over the wall flippantly, like a cat.

"So." The blonde said, "why'd they banish you?"

"Skipping the small talk and getting right to it I see." Clem smirked.

"I don't like to bullshit, and you seem like you don't either." Violet shrugged.

"Fair." Clem replied.

She stayed quiet for a moment. 
The story was a very sore subject for her, she hadn't told anybody before. Some running buddies had asked, but she always brushed them off.
But they were just temporary business partners, a lot of them could and would turn around and double cross her if it meant turning a profit.
This was different though, she had been living with Violet for weeks, they talked frequently, she actually considered her a friend.

"After Crane died I was kind of just... lost." Clem sighed, "I didn't really know how to deal with losing my best friend, so I shut myself off from everyone, it turned me into a real piece of shit-"

Violet's posture changed, she sat up straighter and watched Clem intently, her eyes wide. She was hanging on every word.

"-I got into fights a lot, and this one time a trader showed up and set up shop at the base of the tower. He had all these 'rare' weapons. I was looking and I recognised one, this long machete with a red handle, and I recognised it because it was Crane's, he took it with him the day he died."

Clementine took off her hat and ran a hand through her tangled hair.

"I was fuming, I started yelling at him, calling him a 'fucking vulture' and that it didn't belong to him and he needed to give it back. Then he said something like 'he didn't need it anymore' and it just set me off. I jumped over the table and started beating the shit out of him, then he pulled out a gun. I went for it and tried to wrestle it away, but the gun went off and hit him in the leg and shattered his knee, apparently he can't walk anymore. Anyway, Brecken banished me right after."

"Shit, that was all it took?"

"Not really, it was the last straw in a long string of problems that I caused." Clem said melancholically, "he gave me so many chances, but I just wanted to lash out at everyone."

Good Night, Good Luck: TWDG/Dying Light Crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now