Part Seven: Wages Of Fear

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"The convoy leaves tomorrow, so we'll have to pick our ambush spot now and stay there until it's time."

Clementine tapped the map Werner had given them.
Everybody was crowded around the piece of paper, crouched down at the base of the tower.

"How many of these scavs are there?" Marlon asked.

"Werner didn't say, just that they would be well armed." Clem explained.

"Well armed is one thing we're not." Aasim said.

"Then we need to be smart, play to our advantages." Clem replied, "we're quick, we're quiet and they don't know we're coming."

"Okay, first thing we need to figure out is how to stop the convoy." Marlon said.

"Louis and I could make some spike strips to put across the road, they'll spin out and crash." Aasim suggested.

"No, if they know they're under attack then they'll start shooting, we won't stand a chance in a head on fight." Clem said.

A grin suddenly spread across Louis' face.

"If we're outnumbered, how about some reinforcements?" He said deviously.

"I'm listening."

"If I set off enough firecrackers at the ambush site, it'll draw every Biter for blocks. The convoy stops, starts fighting the infected, which leaves us free to sneak up from behind and loot the vans."

"Not bad." Clem nodded, "have you got any firecrackers?"

"Tons, we keep them on us when we go on runs, helps lure the biters away from somewhere you need to get to." Louis smiled proudly.

"Okay, once they're distracted, we hit the vans-" Clem continued, "-we'll split into three teams of two, quietly take out the drivers and anyone inside, steal the explosives and book it."

"All we need to figure out now is where." Ruby interjected.

Everybody stared at the map, following each street and alley with their eyes in hope that something might strike them.
Brody suddenly tapped her finger on the map.

"Right there, I've been there before. It's a couple of blocks away from a hidden safe zone, there's high roofs surrounding the street on both sides and no side alleys that can fit a car." She looked up at Clem, "perfect spot for an ambush."

"Does everyone agree with this plan?" Clementine asked.

The group all nodded in unanimous, silent approval.

"Alright, let's do this."


Clementine yawned, taking a peek out the boarded up window. It was nearing nightfall, the sun had already dipped below the city skyline, shrouding everything in blue-hued shadows.
The street below was clear, save for a handful of biters idling.
They had set up a temporary safe-house inside one of the buildings overlooking the ambush point.
Louis and Aasim and Ruby were sitting cross legged on the floor, meticulously rigging multiple firecrackers together.
Marlon and Brody were sitting the rotted furniture, chatting to pass the time.
And Violet sat in the windowsill, gazing out with a melancholy look on her face.
Clem got up from where she sat and walked over, leaning against the wall next to Violet's perch.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Knock yourself out." Violet replied, shuffling back so Clem could sit down.

"Are you doing okay? You look a little sad." Clem asked softly.

Violets eyes met with Clem's for the briefest fraction of time, but quickly diverted away in favour of the view outside.

Good Night, Good Luck: TWDG/Dying Light Crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now