Part Four: The Stuffed Turtle

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"Shit." Clem muttered under her breath.

She tried again to force open the trapdoor on the roof of the supermarket, but it wouldn't budge. Something was blocking it from the inside, preventing her from opening it.
Clem climbed back down to the ground where the rest of the group was waiting.

"Okay, bad news. The entrance I usually use is blocked, so we'll have to use the front door."

"Is that a problem?" Marlon asked.

"It could be. Dropping in through the roof made it easier to avoid the infected inside, but if we go through the front, they might notice us."

"Are there many in there?" Violet asked.

"Enough to make this dangerous." Clem replied seriously.

She approached the front entrance, a set of double doors that had been chained shut and secured with a heavy padlock.
Clementine took out her folding pocket knife and a hairpin, then went to work on the lock. She worked the pin all around, feeling some of the pins click down. She went to turn the lock with her knife, but the hairpin snapped in two.

"Let me try, I'm pretty good at picking locks." Violet said, stepping forward.

"Be my guest." Clem replied, handing her the knife.

Violet declined, instead pulling a small leather pouch from her pocket. She placed it on the ground and unrolled it, revealing a set of steel lock-picks.
Louis nudged Clementine on the shoulder and leaned over.

"You're about to see something awesome. Vi is like, the master of unlocking." He whispered.

True to Louis' word, Violet was done with the lock in under half a minute. She packed away her picks and stepped aside, gesturing for Clem to open the door.

"Shit, that was fast." Clem laughed.

"They only used a cheap, six pin padlock. It was basically asking to be picked." Violet joked, packing away her tools.

Everybody stacked up on either side of the door while Clem carefully removed the chain, trying to be as quiet as she could.
She pushed the handle of one door inwards. Thankfully the door itself was left unlocked. As soon as the door was all the way open, something inside made a clicking noise. Clem didn't even have time to wonder what the sound was before an ear splitting alarm rang out.
She jumped and instinctively spun around to check behind her. A few of the corpses on the pavement started getting up, apparently not as dead as everyone initially thought.

"Uhh, that's not good..." Louis stated dryly.

"No shit, we just rang the fucking dinner bell for every biter for miles." Violet said, taking out her cleaver.

"We can still do this, just follow my lead and we'll be in and out." Clem yelled over the blaring alarm.

They ran into the Stuffed Turtle, weapons drawn.
A few feet away from the entrance, the floors were flooded, murky water reaching halfway up their calves. Wrappers, ruined food and the occasional body part floated in the water.
They waded through and followed Clem down an aisle to the far left.
A trio of biters cut off their path. One lunged for Clementine, but she redirected it, shoving it head first into the wall.
The other two biters split up, one targeting Violet and the other coming after Marlon.
Violet kicked it in the chest and sent it stumbling back, giving her room to swing the cleaver into the side of its skull.
The other biter didn't even get to Marlon before Louis swung his weapon like a bat, destroying its brain.
Clementine finished the last one off, stomping its head into the wall with the heel of her boot.

Good Night, Good Luck: TWDG/Dying Light Crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now