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*1 Week later*

For the whole entire week, Andy was doing cute things and taking me out. I saw Andy more than I saw Mariam and I lived in the same place as her. I had gone one week without bringing up what I did, but the more he did for me the worse I felt. I hadn't spoken to Josh since that night and he was texting me like crazy trying to apologise. If only he knew. I never imagined myself falling out of love with Andy. My heart just wasn't in the right place.

I was currently sitting in the park, waiting for Andy. We were going to have a relaxing afternoon since all week we had been going out on dates and hardly relaxing.

"Hello Miss Bella" Andy grins as he approaches me. All week he had been calling me cute names.

"Hi" I plaster a fake smile on my face like I have been doing the past week, I'm not comfortable with this situation.

"Its been a long week, but I really enjoyed it" Andy speaks

"Yeah me too. Thank you for everything" I smile generally. I truly was thankful. Not just for what he did for me this week, but for everything he did for me.

My mind was killing me and I felt like I was going crazy. Andy began speaking about what we could do next week before he has to leave. He was coming up with millions of ideas and they all sounded great, but I was hardly listening to him. I tuned out to dwell on my thoughts. The more Andy spoke, the more I felt guilty.

I blurted it out, "Andy I cheated on you"

I looked at his face in search of his expression. He looked like his heart broke into a million pieces. He was silent, looking down at his hands, figuring out what to say next.

"Andy..?" I spoke cautiously.

"So did I" he murmers.


"I cheated on you too Bella" he say furiously "2 days after you left I went to a party with Josh and he wouldn't stop talking about you and I was getting pissed off so I went and got drunk and well next thing I knew I was making out with someone who wasn't you"

"Mine was at a party too. I was drunk aswell" I say. It was silent for a few moments, both of us settling on the fact of what we had done to one another.

"Maybe we're just not meant to be" I break the silence. I could feel my heart shatter as I spoke. "I mean I will always love you Andy. With all my heart, but maybe we just shouldn't be together"

I look at Andy who has tears in the rim of his eyes, "I love you so much Bella" he turns and faces me, hugging me momentarily.

"We can't go on Andy" I say quietly,
"And I'm so sorry"

He nods, "You will always be my perfect girl and I will always love you"

"I'll always love you too Andy. You will always be that guys from the lemonade store" I chuckle.

"Forever my best friend" he smiled, wiping the tears away from his eyes. Our lips crash together and we kiss passionately with tears falling down our cheeks. "Forever and always"

And just like that. Me and Andy were over. But the break up was healthy and he wasn't another Ben. Andy was still forever my best friend and I will always truly love him.
"Are you sure you want to go say goodbye?" Mariam asks me as we both get into the car.

Today Andy was leaving for America. Let me tell you the past day since we broke up have been hell. I thought since the breakup was healthy I would be okay, but the countless tissues that sat in my room would tell you otherwise. Over the last few days I would recall memories of me and Andy and I was wondering if what I did was right. I came to the decision that it was. We still loved each other, but neither of our hearts were in the right place.

Rise and Fall *Sequel to Being a Brooks*Where stories live. Discover now