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Getting home, I expected to walk into a nice calm home and have a nice evening with my family.

That wasn't the case.

Instead I came home to a whole heap of shouting. This shouting wasn't the shouting I was use to between Beau and the twins. This shouting was between Beau and Laura.

"You are unbelievable! Absolutely pathetic! I can't believe you would do that!" Laura shouted loudly.

"That's the thing!" Beau starts to fight back, "I didn't do it!"

The yelling was coming from the kitchen, which made it even harder to avoid. I was struck with wonder of what had happened to make them this angry at each other. A few hours ago, everything was perfect.

I looked at Skip, not knowing what to do or where to go. He said, "Go to your room. You don't want to be around this."

I nod slowly and trudge up to my room where I drop my bag and quickly change into pyjama shorts and a jumper.

I'm quick to go find Jai. The shouting was still going on downstairs and it wasn't going away anytime soon.

I knock on Jai's bedroom door, "Yeah?" He says. I take it as my cue to go in.

I look at him with sad eyes. "The yelling?" Jai asks. I nod. He pats beside him on the bed for me to go to.

I jump onto his bed and he puts his arm around me, running his hand up the side of my arm to comfort me.

"This is like de ja vu." I sigh. I begin to think back to a few years ago when Beau brought home a girl called Danielle.

They would scream at each other for hours upon hours, never agreeing with anything. Their relationship wasn't healthy, but they couldn't see through their fighting.

Being only 11 at the time, I didn't understand relationships and I thought they were always perfect, so when Beau would yell at Daniella or vice versa, I would go to either of the twins and stay with them.

I had experienced a lot of shouting from my Dad when he would shout at mum, so it was like a re-living nightmare.

"I really hope Laura and Beau don't break up" I speak, coming back to reality.

Jai nods, "I know. I just hope neither of them do something they will regret."

I huff and jump up. "Where are you going?" Jai asks.

I put my hands on my hips, "To end this."

I don't hesitate in walking downstairs to find Beau and Laura still shouting.

"I thought you loved me!" Laura cries. She was an absolute mess. Make up smudged, hair everywhere. Whatever Beau did or didn't do, it has absolutely destroyed Laura.

"I do! Why can't you just believe me!?" Beau defends.

I walk into the kitchen and just my presence of being there brings them to stop. "Nice shouting skills guys. You should both get a medal." I start to clap. The both look at me stunned. Lol, I wasn't going to be nice.

"What ever the hell you two are fighting about, let me help you."

Beau scoffs, "How are you going to help if you don't even know what it's about?"

"Simple brother. Both of you take a seat. Consider this a counselling session."

They both sit down and wait for my lecture. "So, I know for a fact my brother can be an outrageous dick, but when it comes to love he doesn't joke around. Well usually."

Rise and Fall *Sequel to Being a Brooks*Where stories live. Discover now