7 ♡

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Hey guys!! Here's another chapter!! For some reason I feel like my chapters are getting better and better. I think this chapters gonna be a kinda long one cause I have some drama in it. Anyways hope you guys enjoy. I'll update soon. Lemme know what you guys thought about this chapter, I want some feedback on this one :)

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I woke up and tiredly dragged myself out of bed. It was 12 mid day. May have over slept a bit. I went into the bathroom and had a quick shower and then walked back to my room and got dressed into my black leggings and blue jumper and put a pair of socks on. It was kind if chilly today. I threw my hair up into a pony tail and then headed downstairs. The first person I spotted was Skip.

"Hey Skip" I chirped.

"Oh look who decided to awake from the dead" he joked.

"Ha ha ha" I sarcastically said. "Where are the others?" I asked.

"Well Beau, Luke, James and Ben went to the gym and Jai took Jess out for the day. Ronnie and Mariam went sight seeing or some shit and Jacob, well god only knows where he ended up. They left like 3 hours ago. You were sleeping and they didn't wanna wake you" he answered.

"Why didn't you go to the gym?" I asked as he kept doing tricks with the soccer ball.

"I dunno. Wasn't really in the mood." he said. mkay then.

"Well wanna go get a bite to eat? Since I haven't had anything to eat?" I questioned.

"Sure. We'll pop down to Maccas down the road" I nodded and went upstairs to put my shoes on.

I put my white converse on and grabbed my phone. I didn't even bother putting make-up on. I don't know why but I don't really care how I look in front of Daniel. He was my best friend, more like a brother, and I just didn't care.
I trotted downstairs to where Skip was waiting for me.

He opened the door, "after you" he said and I walked through.

We started walking down our long street and then walked along another street to get to the main road. I still had no idea where anything was around here, but I would soon get use to it. I had to.

We got down to McDonalds and took a seat inside.

"Usual?" I nodded and skip went and ordered. It had been a while since I had had a day out with Daniel. I can't believe he still remembered what I liked to have from McDonalds. I remember how close we use to be, but these days, as he was getting older, we seemed to be starting to fade away. I remember the day I met him. I was 7. He laughed at me cause I fell over when he was playing with Beau and I started crying.


"Isabella, this is Daniel" beau pointed to the little short boy who stood beside him. I slightly waved and he waved back.

"Now we are going to play in the backyard. Don't annoy us" beau continued. I let them play and let them be boys while I went and played with a doll that was headless, because Luke had ripped it's head off. After awhile I started getting bored and decided i wanted to go play with Beau and Daniel. They were playing some pretend shooting game, using their hands as guns.

"Can I played?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"No. This is a boys game, not a little girls game" daniel huffed.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee" I pleaded to Beau.

"Fine. But if you get hurt don't come crying to me about it" Beau gave in and told me what we had to do. I ran around pretending shoot Beau and Daniel. Me being the clumsy little kid I am, I tripped over a log and fell onto the pavement. My knee was grazed and was bleeding like crazy. I started crying and ran to Beau.

Rise and Fall *Sequel to Being a Brooks*Where stories live. Discover now