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The car ride to the hotel fell silent after I spoke. I think everyone was shocked at the way I was acting. I sat back in my seat and didn't make any eye contact with anyone, although I could feel someone staring at me. It was James. Mariam was in the front with Ronnie and Sophia and Jess in the middle row, leaving me in the back with James.

"Bella what's going on?" James whispers. I shook my head and didn't reply.

- -

We finally got to the hotel and decided that James would walk into the gym and I would follow. Jess would go and wait in Jai and Skips room and Sophia would go and wait in Luke and Beaus room. Mariam would go with Ronnie and hang with him. The plan was settled. Jess took my bag with her and went straight upstairs with Sophia, being led by Jacob.

I followed James towards the gym and my heart was pounding. James could see my nerves. "They will be excited Bella" James says to try and lift up my spirits. I hoped that they would, but it wasn't that that had me in this mood. It was the sadness that just lurked in my head.

I followed James' lead and we went into the gym. There was a wall splitting two rooms. I hid behind the wall and James walked through to the other room where the boys were. My heart was ready to jump out of my chest.

"Aye James!" Skip chirps, "How was lunch with Ronnie?"

"It was good" James said, "But I accidently picked something up on the way back" I could sense the confusion that filled the room. Taking that as my cue, I took a massive breath and revealed myself.

"Yeah I was just walking along the road and James saw me and picked me up" I grinned, hiding how I was feeling before. I was forcing the smile and sarcasm.

My brothers eyes lit up and all three of them ran over to me, hugging me tightly.

"Surprise" I forced another smile.

"What- When- How!?" Luke was lost for words.

"Well Mariam had been planning this with James and Ronnie and well here I am" I said. The boys were tripping out. Daniel walked over and gave me a giant hug, one in which I instantly felt a bit better. Daniel always had that effect on me.

The boys gathered their gear and we all headed out of the gym. They were all telling me about how surprised they were and how excited they were to see me. I felt happy, but I knew their excitement wouldn't last once Jai found Jess and Luke found Sophia.

I felt like I was slowly losing my brothers. Jai had Jess. Luke had Sophia. Beau had Laura. I guess I still had Daniel and James and they were basically my brothers, but the three that had been there for me since birth were slowly going.

We made our way into the hotel and went over to the lift. I think Jai could see on my face that there was something wrong. He held onto my hand, causing me to look at him and he sent me a smile. I barely sent one back. The lift made it to our level and I followed the boys down the hallway.

We stopped at a room and I didn't know which one would be inside. Skip got out the key so I knew Jess was going to be inside. I let go of Jai's hand so I could save him from being held back by me. The door opened and there stood Jess in the middle of the room.

"What the fuck!?" Jai screeched with excitement. He ran over to Jess and hugged her tightly and then shared a kiss they had both been longing for.

"Hi Jai" Jess grinned. All the boys had smiles planted on their faces and went and each had a hug with Jess. Luke looked a bit funny. I could tell he felt left out.

"Luke, so your room may or may not be occupied" James said, knowing I wasn't going to say anything. I watched Luke grin and he ran out of the room. We all followed him and he was trying to open the door, which of course Beau had the key.

Rise and Fall *Sequel to Being a Brooks*Where stories live. Discover now