27 ♡

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School. Whoever the hell invented it, is an idiot. Why should kids have to spend half their life at a place that teaches you the same boring shit everyday. It's ridiculous! I step into the shower and let the hot water drain out all my thoughts. I feel so much better today, not like yesterday. I feel almost amazing, except for the fact that I have to go back to school. I still don't understand what happened with me yesterday. I don't know why I was so sick. Beau has set up a doctors appointment for me this afternoon, so maybe that will tell me something. Come to think of it, I'm actually pretty nervous.

I go back into my room after my warm shower and collapse on my bed at the thought of it being 6:30am. Why so early!? I recover from collapse and go into my closet to find something to wear. I put on some light blue denim shorts and a peach coloured shirt with rips at the bottom. I slip on my white converse and put my hair up into a messy bun with a headband. I go through my make up and apply the smallest amount of foundation, you can hardly tell I have it on. I find Beau's necklace he got me and wrap it around my neck and walk out of my room. Complete.

Down the stairs I walk to find that no one is awake. Well that's a damn shame. I was looking forward to some ready made breakfast. Oh well, can't have everything I guess. I switch on the little radio in the kitchen and Jumpstart by These Kids wear crowns starts to fill my ears.

"Loud. Cause lately i've been feeling kind of low. Let's blow the speakers on the radio; Cause tonight we're gonna' break it DOWN, break it DOWN break it DOWN. We gotta' get up off of the ground !" I start singing totally of key.

"We're gonna give it a JUMPSTART 4,3,2,1 GO.! What's up, when we get it going no way we're gonna stop. And all you need is a SPARK, SPARK If it's all that you got! GOT,GOT,GOT,GOT" I'm now singing at the top of my lungs.

While I sing I start making myself a hot chocolate and get out the toaster and put in some bread. I grab a wooden spoon and start singing into it like it's a microphone. Suddenly the toast pops so I put the wooden spoon down and start putting butter on the toast along with some vegemite. Still singing, I go into the pantry and get out a muesli bar to take to school as a small snack.

"We're gonna give it a jump.!" I sing the last line of the song at the top of my lungs, using the muesli bar as my microphone. I suddenly hear people clapping. I turn around.

"Bravo! Encore!" Jai claps. I feel my cheeks go bright red of embarrassment. Beau's holding his phone, meaning he filmed it.

"How long were you guys standing there!?" I quickly exclaim.

"Uhh, about 3 minutes. We got that whole thing" Luke laughs.

"Well that's going on the blog channel" Beau grins.

"Don't you dare!" Beau passes Luke his phone, knowing I'm going to chase him. I go after Beau, running around the house trying to kill him. How I have this much energy at 7 in the morning, I have no clue. "Beau! Come back here!"

"Face it Bella! I'm too fast for you" as he says that he runs straight into a wall. What a fuckin idiot.

"Well, that's karma" I chuckle and step over the top of him and sit on him. "Now, what have we learn't from this Beau?"

"Not to record you singing totally off key" he answers.

"Exactly. And what are you not going to do?"

"Put it on the blog channel" he says quietly.

"Good job. Now if you excuse me" I get up and walk off down the stairs. Luke filmed Beau running into a wall so that would make a good video, but they better not put my singing up.

As I get to the bottom of the stairs the doorbell rings. I go over to it and find Dustin and Matt standing there.

"Hey boys" I greet them with a hug each.

Rise and Fall *Sequel to Being a Brooks*Where stories live. Discover now