His Guard Dog || Yandere Horror x Blue

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Requested by:d1am0nd_m4n 

It had just started as trying to rehabilitate one of the Bad Sanses to see if it was possible.

Blue had ignored so many red flags that could have gotten him out of the situation that he was now in.

How did it all come to this?


"What are we going to do with him?" Blue asked Ink in regards to the fact that Horror was heavily restrained and struggling in a cage and he had no use of magic either.

"Not sure..." Ink answered as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"What if... we tried to help him?" Blue offered since he wondered if the damage done to Horror could be undone.

"But how?" Dream chimed in concernedly since he didn't know how that would happen if they couldn't even trust the skeleton with even so much as a plastic knife and fork.

"Uhm, I'll work with him! I can do it!" Blue decided determinedly as he approached Horror with a gentle smile on his face.

Horror was growling and he was clearly aggressive at the moment as his red eye pierced right through Blue's soul.

"Hey... I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" Blue kneeled down in front of him since the latter had to be restrained to the floor of the cage quite heavily.

Horror had a slight bit of fear in his eyes but he just gazed at Blue and his expression almost softens.

Dream began to approach as well but he noticed that it made Horror tense up and start growling once again.

Blue motions for Dream to stay back as he reached in a hand and placed it onto the muzzle that was currently on Horror's mouth since he had tried to bite Ink.

"I'm going to help you, I promise." Blue smiles.

That was how it started, Blue had just worked with Horror each day and gained his trust.

Admittedly Horror did not talk too much which the smaller skeleton never complained about since he kind of understood that he might not want to talk just yet.

It had been about two weeks and Blue was eating lunch with Horror. Or at least Blue was feeding Horror since that was how it needed to be since they couldn't fully trust the bigger skeleton to have any kind of silverware since it could easily be used as a weapon.

"You haven't even tried to bite me! Good job, Horror!" Blue smiles as he feeds the tacos to the skeleton.

"Food... good..." Horror says slowly since he never really spoke full sentences for an unknown reason.

"I'm glad you think so!" Blue grins at the other which made Horror's soul race.

Why did it make him happy to see Blue smile? He never experienced this around anyone else...

Ink then walked into the room and looked at the two, "Hey Blue, we are going to have a group meeting in a little bit."

Horror seemed to glare at Ink since he didn't trust the artist one bit... he was stealing Blue's attention! He hated that.

"Oh, okay! Let my just finish feeding Horror!" Blue nods and smiles at Ink.

Blue's smile wasn't meant for Ink... it was just meant for Horror! Blue was too naive and soft for this world. He just wanted to scoop him up and protect him from every last danger. He absolutely saw Ink as a threat and also saw Dream as a threat.

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