His Perfect Slave || Yandere Nightmare x Cross

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Requested by: kittenlover444

Sorry if this feels a bit rushed, I honestly had no idea where I was going with this.


Cross had gotten into deep debt with everything that he had caused and all of the destruction he caused in the world. It wasn't all his fault but he was still quick to blame himself and besides, the world was looking for a scapegoat and they must have decided that he was going to be that very thing.

The one that he had owed most of it to was the King of Negativity himself... Nightmare.

He had gotten into so much debt that he was going to have to work for the big man himself in order to get rid of that crippling weight on his shoulders.

It was his first day working for the king and he honestly didn't know what to expect.

Was he going to be hurt? Was he going to be forced to murder people? He had no clue what he was getting into.

Unbeknownst to the monochrome skeleton, the king had... certain plans in mind.

Cross had made his way to the office and he took a deep breath before knocking on the oak door.

"Enter." Nightmare's voice was heard from inside the room.

Cross twisted the door handle before he walked into the office.

"Ah, Cross Jakei. I was expecting you." Nightmare folded his hands and turned his attention to the being in front of him.

"Y-yeah, I'm here for the job? To pay off my debt?" Cross says slowly before he waited for Nightmare to give him something terrible to do.

"Yes, your first task is to clean the building." Nightmare responded before he turned his gaze back to his paperwork. He couldn't give away his real intentions yet.

Cross was surprised by this but he nodded before going out to get the cleaning supplies.

Nightmare was watching his every move, not that the monochrome skeleton knew that of course. He just... liked watching him.

Cross began to clean the facility and making sure that everything was in proper order. So far it wasn't too bad. This could be going worse for him. He had no idea that he was being targeted.

Nightmare knew that Cross would make the perfect slave. Even better than Killer. He just needed to get him to submit to him.

Cross finished cleaning after a few hours since the place was quite larger than he originally thought it was.

Nightmare knew that he was done since he was able to watch him. He just waited for Cross to find the office again.

Cross took a little bit to find the office since he still didn't know his way around the building that well. He began to wonder where everyone else that works her was. He hadn't seen anyone else this whole time... was it just him and Nightmare there?

Nightmare hears a knock at the door and he told Cross to come in.

"I finished." Cross announced to him with his hands clasped behind his back.

Oh how much fun Nightmare was going to have making him the perfect slave...

"Come closer, Cross." Nightmare ordered with a slight movement of his finger.

Cross obeyed and he walked closer until he was right in front of the desk.

"You have a new assignment. And it requires you to stay here." Nightmare grinned at him.

"Wha? Stay? What do you mean?" Cross was taken aback by this and he tilted his head.

"In order to fully pay back your debt, you are to be my slave." Nightmare reached a tentacle to cup Cross' chin to get him at eye level with him.

"What the- no!" Cross stepped back quickly and went to reach for the doorknob only to find that it had been locked. He was now trapped.

"You still hold your debt to me, correct?" Nightmare stood up and began to walk towards the monochrome skeleton.

"Yeah! But that doesn't mean I'm going to be your slave!" Cross spat before he went to reach for anything that might be used as a weapon.

Nightmare just laughed before he uses his tentacles to restrain Cross' movement. "Also, you act as if you have a choice in the matter."

Cross felt his soul drop and he did what he had to, he slammed the heel of his shoe onto Nightmare's toes and then kicked him in the gut. He then went to the window and slammed himself against it before he was able to break the glass and he jumped out. He did not account for how high up the window was and he collapsed to the ground two floors down and he could feel that he broke something. His vision was invaded with black splotches as he struggled to stay conscious. He was finally forced to succumb to the weight of his body and his vision went dark.

Nightmare disliked that his slave ran from him but he figured that he just needed to train him. He had placed a collar onto Cross' neck with a leash and he planned on 'training' his little slave.

Cross finally woke up and he first found that he was chained by his neck to a wall. He tried his best to move but he failed to break it. He also felt a pain in his ankle and chest.

"Good morning, Crossy." Nightmare smiles at him since the chain was right next to his desk in his office.

"Let me go you sick psycho!" Cross snapped at him.

"That isn't very nice, slave." Nightmare frowned before pressing a button and the collar shocked Cross.

Cross yelped in pain and he began to claw at it.

"Bad boy." Nightmare says simply before he frowned a little more. "I will break you and train you properly."

"You'll have to kill me!" Cross spat at him.

"Maybe not in the way you're thinking, but yes I will." Nightmare grinned and he takes out a strange device before forcing Cross to show his soul. He place the soul into the device and it began to rewrite his code to make him the perfect little slave. It took a while to finish it and it had taken a while to even get the device to do this. He had been watching Cross for a while and made sure everything worked perfectly.

After it was all done, Cross now was meant to be Nightmare's perfect little pet.

"Crossy~" Nightmare whispered before letting go of the soul and letting it float back to the owner.

"Yes, sir?" Cross says back immediately.

"You aren't going to try and run off, right?" Nightmare smiles before patting the other's head with a grin on his face.

"Of course not, sir. I would never leave you." Cross smiles at him and leaned his head onto the other's lap.

"Good boy. You are mine now, got it?" Nightmare unchained him but kept the leash before tugging Cross into a kiss with a smirk on his face.

Cross kisses back immediately before his eyes fluttered shut. He wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders.

"Tell me that you love me, Crossy~" Nightmare ordered.

"I love you, sir." Cross responded before panting softly.

"Good. Now say my name." Nightmare added.

"Nightmare." Cross says breathlessly.

"Again." Nightmare whispered before his hands trailed down to Cross' hips.

"Nightmare." Cross repeated before closing his eyes and tilting his head back.

Nightmare bit down onto the other's neck and marked him before pulling back. "Now you belong to me, right."

"Yes, Nightmare." Cross bites his lip.

Nightmare had Cross to serve him now and he made sure to take full advantage of it from that point forward. He even allowed Cross to think of themselves as lovers. He was protective of his slave just as his slave was protective of him.

He really was the perfect little slave. 

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