Wilby, bring me home.

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Prompt: Tommys father hits him/abuses him, and Tommy doesn't know he was on a call with Sapnap, dream, george, wilbur, and techno.

TW: Hemophobia!


Tommys POV:

I just finished streaming, it was around 10:30 at night and I was mentally exhausted. I was about to go to bed, when I heard foot steps coming up to my room. Shit. I sat up and watched as my bedroom door swung open.


He walked over and pulled me out of bed, I cried out in pain "WHO TOOK MY DAMN ALCOHOL?" He asked, yelling straight in my face. I started shaking, not knowing what to do. "YOU LITTLE B*TCH!" He yelled, slapping me directly A crossed my face. "I DIDNT TOUCH IT DAD! I SWEAR!" I yelled back, he just punched me in the gut and left. I went to turn off my PC and seen that Nick, dream, George, Wilbur, and techno were all on the call. And my camera was on. I started freaking out "hey guys..!" I said trying to calm my breathing, which clearly wasn't working. "Tommy. Who was that?" I heard techno say "no one important" I was now having a full on panic attack. Wilbur seemed to notice after he said "Tommy, listen, take a deep breath in.." I listened and took a deep breath in, held it, then exhaled. "Now repeat that a couple times for me." I did it a couple more times, and slowly my breathing got better. "Tommy I'm coming over okay?" I heard Wilbur day from the Other side of the phone "I don't know wilby.. what if my dad hurts you?" I said looking down at my feet, I really didn't want him to get hurt because of me. "He won't, I have techno with me." Thank go- "wait what?" Technos with Wilbur? "Yup, he flew out last night actually" I smiled a bit, then looked at myself in the camera and seen I was bleeding, if you didn't know, I have hemophobia, basically the fear of blood. I started to feel sick, but I couldn't move, my body just stopped working. I could hear faint yelling from my PC, my head started to pound and all I could see was darkness. I thought I was dying. I just feel or see anything, and all I could hear is faint yelling. My final words were "Wilby.. bring me home" before I passed out cold on the ground.

Two updates in one day? Pog?

Eat and drink something please :)


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