Insecurely in love

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When did things get so hard?
Seemed so easy,
When i won your heart
Guess we can't get
A happy ending
Can we?

crawling on my skin
Bubbling within
can never rest easy
Can we?

Your hand in mine
For all time
You trust me
But why can't i
Trust you

Past trauma
Occupies my mind
Why can't I
Leave it all behind?
I've got your back
You have mine
Everything will be alright

You've been by me
Telling me
Everything's okay
I worry too much
Letting bad thoughts fester

They used me
Neglected me
Tossed me aside
Like i was a toy
Didn't need me anymore
Found someone new
But it all changed
When i met you

Gave me light
Gave me life
Made me smile
Lit a fire inside
For once i had hope
For the first time

We both had
broken hearts
Both of us
Falling apart
Piece by piece
We mend
Never to
break again

I held your hand
Pulled you away
Gave you my heart
So you would stay
Opened your eyes
To something new
Just us two

Past trauma
Rose again
Eyes welled with tears
My Heart
threatened to break
Felt out of reach
we have a promise
To keep

To stay together
Grow old together
Have a family
Adopt a pet
Live out our days
Until our dying breaths

A long way for us
Still need work done
I have faith
We can do this
One step at a time
Everything will
Fall in place

Just need patience
Put in effort
Hold up one another
Keep our heads up
Hand in hand
In love we trust
Just your company
Is enough

I cause you stress
And other emotions i
Can't begin to describe
You can forgive me
Stay with me
Continue to have patience
As i go through the motions
Be my strength
Be my support
Be my anchor
In hard times

I know
It can be hard sometimes
I'll be by your side
If you'll be by mine
We'll get through this
Baby steps
One step at a time

Grab my hand
When i start to falter in step
Kiss me
When i grow wary of your love
Hold me
When i lose grip on reality
Shush me
When i start to ramble
Look at me
When i dart my eyes excessively
Talk to me
When I zone out
Lock your fingers with mine

Remind me
Why you love me so much
Why I'm so important to you
Why i matter
What makes me so special
Why I'm everything to you
Why you stick to me
Remind me of everything
Until i embed it in my brain

Never doubt
My love for you
My loyalty
My feelings for you
Will stay forever
Tattooed on my heart
In the form of your name

No matter the hands we've been dealt
How old we get
Near or far
The pain we've been through
We must never forget
How much we love one another
Why we keep going
Why we wake up everyday

It's to see our light
The person who makes every day
A bit more tolerable
Dulls the pain in our hearts
Brings a smile to our face
Fills us with warmth
Fills our beings with love
And every positive emotion
there is

We make ourselves forget
the pain
The sadness
The emptiness
Of our lives
Because we complete each other
We heal together

I could go on and on
About how special you are
to me
And vice versa
But i just wanna say
Thank you for loving me
Being there
Through the highs
and lows
Of my life
Holding my hand
In spirit
Filling the hole
in my heart
And me filling yours
Giving you some of mine
And you gave me some of yours
I have parts of you
And you have parts of me

I'll trust you in time
But for now,
I've healed
But the past will fester
Now and then
I'll have you
Help me fight it

Give me reason to trust you
And your good intentions
Hold my hand
Until we get pins and needles
Kiss me
Until we run out of air
Tell me you love me
Until you lose your voice
Continue to love me
Until your heart gives out
Hug me
Hold me
Stroke my hair
Wipe away my tears
Shoo away my doubting thoughts
Make sure i never hurt again
And I'll do the same for you
Till death do us part

Solemnly promise
To swear your heart to me
And I'll swear mine
And soul
They'll be yours
Until the afterlife
And even after that
I'll always stay by you
Forever yours
Forever mine
My beloved

my poemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora