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This particular poem is gonna be in a different style. It'll be my first attempt at writing an epigraph poem.

   "Do you see what I see?"

How could I see from your eyes?
What exactly do you see?
Who is this "cute, adorable,and beautiful woman"?
I don't see what you see

"You can't change my mind"

Who said anything about changing yours?
It's what I think
I can't see through your eyes
It's your thoughts not mine
Your perspective
Yours and only yours

It's really not as simple as you think
To love myself and adore my being
To see what makes me so great
In your eyes
Only you can see
It's not clear to me

"You just are..."

What exactly am I?
Why do you see me as you do?
Why am I pretty to you?
"I just am" sheds no light to explain
Why I am a beauty to you
And not plain

What qualities make me attractive?
My laugh is obnoxious and weird
I can't smile properly
I'm not funny
I'm not all that interesting

So what exactly do you "see"?
Do you see my interests that form my personality
Or do you see my illnesses
Hidden underneath?
Do you see my happiness
Or do you see the sides
I don't want you to see?
Do you see my sadness
Or look to the "smile" I hide behind?

Do I see what you see?
No I must be blind
Why don't you enlighten me
On why you look up on me
With those eyes?

You say you love me
For the flaws that I despise
So why do you love the things
That make me unhappy?
Make me hate myself
Make me wish I couldn't see
I want to see what you see
But I can't

Your eyes are not my own
We don't share a body
My mind is riddled with self-loathing
I couldn't bear to think
That I was even slightly worthy
Of being seen as a beauty
In those kind eyes

Such an open mind
Belittled all the time
Always makes me cry
Why can't I
Be perfect
That's not attainable
It's unrealistic

"Another man's trash is another man's treasure..."

What part of me would be valuable to you?
My personality may be my own
But is the saying really true
If someone can act like me
And more genuinely?
How can you love me
When I feel I don't deserve you?
Insecurity and rumination swirl in my head
Getting dark thoughts
That I wish weren't said

If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Then maybe mine don't work
I won't deny or reject your advances
But give me more than
"I know you are"
Actions speak louder than words
Prove my beauty
Show me
What you see
Our eyes are different
Our perspectives are different
Where you see a beautiful woman
I see a mess
An imperfection
That isn't beautiful
An abnormality
A defect
A mistake

Those are the thoughts of mine
That I hate

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