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Forget the pain for a little bit
Forget the sadness for a little bit
Forget it all for a little while
Numb the pain to don a smile.

Forget the depression for a little bit
Forget the schizophrenia for a little bit
Forget the voices for a while
Forget them all to walk a mile.

Sunshine is only temporary
Smiles are absolutely necessary
The burdens I carry
To silence the noise in my head

Forget the anxiety
Find a remedy
Friends and family are all i need
To forget my negativity

All i need is love and care
Hugs and pats are fair
No need for despair
Any more and I'll pull out my hair

Forget the pain for a little bit
Forget the anger for a little bit
Shut out the noise
No need to raise your voice

It's quiet and I feel nothing at all...
Better than before
No sadness
No voices
No loneliness
No tears
Just nothing

I feel empty but also i don't know what to feel.

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