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Referring to the Bible, the first birthday is believed to be celebrated somewhere around 3000 B.C. in ancient Egypt. The Pharaohs, who were crowned in ancient Egypt were believed to be transformed into Gods and their birthdays were the first to be celebrated ever in history.

After sharing some weird sex facts, I was so cringed that I decided to put it on stop.
So here, I am with some normal ones


~Grayson's office~

Cassandra ~

" Sorry, Mr. Grayson. I don't think we can proceed with the meeting. I meet my fiancee after so long. I have to catch up with her " He announced coming towards me and pulling me into a hug.

Oh, God!! He called me his fiancee. If embarrassment could massacre me, I would be already lying in the casket.

" I was just 7. Please, it's so embarrassing" I admitted pulling out of his hold.

" No, it's cute and I adore it, " He said with a boyish grin.

" What's going on? Why is she your fiancee? " Grayson asked, interrupting our cute moment.

" It's a cute little story of my little princess," Noah said patting my head. He said my omg! Now I understand how Goblin felt when Eun-Tak called him 'my'. I giggled mentally. My cheeks are burning hot. I must be crimson by now. " She was 7 and I was 15 back then, am I right? " He asked me. I replied with a small nod trying to hide my blushing smile.

" We're in a wedding, and she came to me looking so adorable in a purple princess tule dress, and then she got on her knees and asked me to marry her with candy floss " He finishes with a giggle.

" Ahh! Why do you still remember it? It's so embarrassing " I whine dramatically trying to act cute. I know it's not my way to deal with things but Come on!! Not every day your crush flirts with you.

" I missed you soo much all these years " He confessed making my heart skip a beat. God! even if die today, I will have zero regrets. Noah! Please don't be so cute.

He pulled me down on the couch, sitting me next to him. " How is Dad? "  He asked, his hand resting on my lower back and the other holding my hand in a firm grip placing it on his knee.

" He is doing great, He always mentions all your achievements," I said making his smile wider.

"I miss him too, last time. I meet him a year ago " He said with a sad smile " and I'm so sorry about Mom. I should be there with you. I'm so sorry, I couldn't make it. I regret it " He lamented.

" It's okay. It's not your fault and Uncle Sam and Aunt Tresa were there with me and you have a good considerable reason for not being there "  I said with a sad smile trying to cheer him up while remembering mom. I noticed Grayson walking out of the room, leaving us alone. That's so wise of him.


" haha...that was hilarious" He burst into a laugh patting my shoulders. Oh God, for the first time in a while, I lost my count on time, but all I know it's been hours now. I'm so happy to meet him, reliving our childhood memories together.

" I know right " I replied with a giggle.

" Ahh " I deep sigh escape his mouth and his adam apple bobbed up. Oh, my breath hitched...his jaw and neckline is so alluring. " I missed you. I missed all the fun... Our pranks and our sneaky midnight snacks. "

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