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-Time skip-

The crowd, gloomy after the death of Marino. " The man that everyone loved for his kindness." His mother say, the sky darker than what it usually is. 

You look over to Peppa, crying a bit. You couldn't tell, your eye's were puffy. From crying to much. You couldn't show the note he left for you to everyone, then everyone would blame you for his death.

" Hey." A voice speaks behind you. You turn around to a boy wearing a yellow poncho. " How did you know him?" he says in a somber voice , you looked at him a bit more. He had brown curly hair, and a long broad nose.

" We knew him since we were babies since his mother knew mine, even if he is older than me." You look down to the ground, two wet spots on the dirt. That were the tears of your fell.

" I knew him from my sister, Dolores." he said. You flinch, 'a magical that you didn't know?' that stunted you. " I am camilo." He says.

" I am Yn."


POV: 23574273584

I knew he belonged in heaven, but what I did was not okay. I cause all of this but I cant back down.








After me and camilo talked for a while, I found out that we had a lot in common. " So you know that dog don't sweat but, sweat from their paw pad!" You say, your eyes getting brighter at the conversation.

" Lol I didn't know that!" He giggled. It was nice to know your not they only one who like's dog's. " So do you have a dog?" You asked, he shakes his head. 

" Nah, but i want one though." He said, then you remembered that he has a gift. " So whats your power? If you don't mind asking." You asked. He looks at you and puts his hand on his neck and rubs it.

" My power is shape shifting, I know its nots as good as everyone else though." He said being a little bit ashamed of his power. You came over and comforted him. " What do you mean it better than having no power."

"Yeah it is"

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