! LAST !

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You started to notice that camilo was acted a bit odd today. He said, " I am doing something that will be changing my life!" He would normally say something about a person but it had nothing to do with you so you never paid attention.

Your life was still was a bit empty after, he died. Alot of people were upset, but mostly one of the magical. Dolores. His crush.

You wanted to tell her but you could.

You would be 

the villain


A note was left in front of your door. 


Can we meet up at !%^$$


You know Camilo had a crush on you, it was obvious. So you would go and say sure. You didn't have a reason why you shouldn't.


You found thee place Camilo was standing on top of .....

" Camilo what the fuck!?" 

" MMM? "

" Why would you do this? I am telling a-

Before you couldn't say anything feeling a sharp pain in your chest . The blood drippling down your shirt.

" Look, I love love love you! But I never have you so I'll just have your body !"

You stop breathing and felt like sleeping. You fell down to the ground. You last blink was a the physico .


You open your eye's you see the people you loved, your mum and  mariano waiting for you with open arms. " Mum? your dead?" 

"Dont worry your safe."

"That was a true reality." 

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