More then you will ever know

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The doors fling the doors open and step inside the club, rock music blaring. "Hey she's not allowed in here." A staff worker walks over to us frantically shaking, scared out of his mind that he was telling the infamous Guns N Roses that they can't do something. I looked down at Harley who was at my legs, dressed in her acdc shirt and leather pants. She was only three but acted and looked identical to me.

"Who the fuck asked for you opinion?" Duff  tells him, towering over the young man and picking up Harl. "Sorry sir! I'm sorry!" The young man says backing up quickly.

I take Harley from Duff and prop her up on my hip as she grabs onto my neck.

"Look out fuckbag." Axl growls at him showing his shoulder as he walks past him, we follow close behind. "Yeah, fuckbag." Harley yells at him over my shoulder, making us all chuckle

"Babe that's a bad word."

We get our usual seat at the back of the club and Duff instantly asks what we all want for a drink. Izzy and Axl had a jack daniels, Steven had a jack and coke, and I had a smirnoff vodka with duff. "And what would the little princess like?" Duff said in a comical voice bowing down low to Harl who was sitting at the edge of the chair with her stuffie tiger, Gunner. She giggles and starts to think

"Hmmm… can i pwease have a… Jack and coke wike Stweven pwetty pwease?" She asks in with her puppy eyes. We all laugh out loud at her request "I think not! God knows as my daughter you will have plenty of alcohol when you're older." I chuckle, picking her up and sitting her on my lap 

She giggles "How about I get you a coke and then pour a little bit of vodka in it." Duff reasons with a smile. She gasps and nods with a cheesy smile. "Wes pwease!" She says with excitement.

"Can do pretty girl." Duff laughs and walks off.

Instantly, Harley turns to me, ready to occupy herself until Duff gets back with our drinks. "So baby, what do you want to do?" I look at her liting up a cigarette and putting it between my teeth

"Hmmm, I want to…." She starts looking around thinking of what she wanted to do before her eyes land on Axl who was also smoking but talking to Izzy who was to his left, fixated on his teased hair. 

Eventually, she stood up with her feet on my left thigh, her hand on top of my head to hold her balance, this caught Stevens eye who was sitting next to me.

I look up at her through my shades with my hand right behind her back to make sure she doesn't fall backwards. "Wuncle Sweven, can you pwease howd my hand?" Harl asks him. Without hesitation, steven puts his hand up and Harley takes it

She bends her knees and instantly Steven and I get propead for her to jump. Which she does. Using Stevens hand and my head as support she jumps straight over Steven and lends right on Axl's crotch who was not prepared for a three year old to jump on to him. Her hand digs into his manhood

Axl lurches forward in pain, clutching his cock, the motion sending Harley flying off the seat and under the table, landing on the other side of her tummy. Right next to Duff's feet who had shown up just as she jumped. 

Instantly, she started crying and Duff picked her up, and started cooing to her. Izzy, and I jumped up to make sure she was alright. Harley sees me and tries to grab me so I can take her.

I take her from Duff's arms and instantly she buries her head into the crook of my neck. "It's alright baby, it's ok, you're ok." I sooth.

She pulls back and I look at her face to make sure she hasn't hurt herself. There was a bit of blood coming out of her nose, that I wipe away gently with my thumb

Axl gets up and takes Harl “baby girl, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you beautiful, you just landed on my dick and It scared me." He apologised. Guilt clear on his face. She wiped the tears away.  "It's owkay." She smiles and wraps her hands around his neck and gives his lips a big kiss that he happily returns.

We awe at the sight and I ruffled her hair and sat back down along with the other guys. I reach for her, but she shakes her head and rubs her check against Axl's face, telling me that she wanted to stay with him. Axl had the biggest shit eating grin 

Duff hands Harley's coke to her and she drinks a little bit, then he pours some of his vodka into the drink like he said he would.

Harl takes a sip of her drink and smiles at me with the biggest grin on her face. I smile and shake my head at her. She was defenty, 100% my daughter and I was proud to say I was her dad.

15 minutes later

"Oi I'm just gonna go piss. Do you need to go, baby?" I say, sitting up from where I was sitting, Harley shakes her head and continues to play with Axl's necklaces. “Alright i'll be back.” quickly giving my baby girl a kiss then made my way towards the bathroom.

I open the door and look around the shitty bathroom with a purple haze from the light.

I make my way over to the urinal and unzip my jeans, letting my dick spring out so I can piss. 

Midway through pissing, the door of the bathroom opens and closes again, "Daddy?" I turn around to see Harley there holding Axl's hand. "Baby are you ok?" She runs over to me and hugs my leg as I quickly shake, tuck myself away then pick her up. "She panicked when she realised you were gone, I don't think she understood that you were actually going." Axl explains. "Right well Daddys right here babe, you're ok." She giggles as I kiss her cheek.

Washing my hands we make our way out of the bathroom and back to the table, but to our surprise, no one was there. We look around when Harley pipes up. "Look!" We turned our heads to where she was pointing to, at the closet pool table, Duff, Izzy and Steven were standing there getting the table ready for a game. 

We make our way over. "Hey Duffy!" Harl waves at him as I sit her on the edge of the table. "Hey babe."He says giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Izzy passes me a cue before breaking. Harl watches as the balls skater across the table. First it was Axl's go, he sinks none, then Stevens, none, it goes on like that till my go, sinking one, Ness cheers. "I love you Daddy!!!" She yells over Led Zeppelin's stairway to heaven.

"I love you too baby girl!!"I yell back.

More than you will even know.

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