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The day was horrible. It was pissing rain, Axl was in a horrible mood, no one could find the set list for the venues we were meant to be playing at this week and Harley was sick. I was worn out from last night's show and being on the road all night, not to mention I was hungover. Badly hungover.

The day was just horrible and no one was happy. Somthings bound to go wrong.

I was currently sitting on the couch watching tv with Axl, Izzy and Steven whilst Duff made something for dinner, Harley was in my room watching tv on the bed and playing with her toys quietly, with a bucket close in case she needed to puke again, poor baby.

"Oi dinners ready." Duff yells bring the food into the lounge where we were sitting. "What the fuck is this shit?" Axl asks in disgust. "If you dont like it how about you make dinner for six people you fucking asshole?"

"Oh I'm an asshole? Mabey you should fucking try harder." He seeths standing up and getting in Duff's face.

"Oi cut it out, you want to kick each others asses? Go elsewhere and do it, but not when Harleys around. She doesn't need to see that shit." I growl standing up and shoving Axl of Duff before making my way to my room to get Harl for tea.

"Love, tea is ready." I say poking my head into the room to find her almost asleep on my bed watching tv, I felt bad waking her but she needs to eat. She hadn't eaten all day and it was worrying me.

When she doesn't respond I walk over to the bed and lightly shake her. "Baby girl? You need to come have dinner." This time she looks up at me and her face was a sickly pale colour. Her normally big and curious eyes were now a shade of greyish brown with no joy in them whatsoever.

"No." She says bluntly before rolling over and puking into the bucket again. I quickly move to hold her hair back and rub soothing circles on her back. 

A loud crash erupts in the lounge room followed by yelling and things hitting the ground, shit. As soon as Harley was done, i gave her a glass of water with the instructions to stay there, before running out to see what the fuck was going on. 

The plates were on the ground and food was everywhere, the tv was smashed and one of my guitars had been broken, but I didn't have time to worry about that. Duff and Axl were on the ground fighting each other.

Steven and Izzy were standing back and watching the scene unfolded, Steven behind Izzy of course. 

I rush over to then to try and break it up, "Axl stop get off him you fucking moron!" i scream grabbing axl's shirt and trying to pull him back. "You fucking idoits stop it!" A elbow collides with my nose and I'm on the ground in seconds, blood gushing out of it. "Daddy!" I hear a little scream. Turning around i see Harley with her toy lion at the door way. 

"Harley go back!" I tell her before grabbing Axl again. This time I was successful, but not quite at the same time. Instead of Axl throwing punches at Duff, he was now going for me.

I push him back but he grabs a photo frame and takes one big step, smashing it over my head. It dazes me for a second and I look down at the ground to see the remands of the photo frame, and to my horror, it was the red and blue one with black sparkles on it. The very one Harl had made for me for our last fathers day together. A discarded picture of her and I sitting high up on a graffitied wall, she was sitting on my lap and was wearing my top hat that was so big she ha to hold it up with her hands.

our smiles reached from ear to ear and even though at that stage we were living on the streets, we were the happiest we had ever been. We both stopped immediately and stared down at the picture. Axl looks up at me with fear in his eyes, he knew how much that meant to me, he covers his face as if to block a punch, but instead I just bend down slowly, picking up the broken frame and picture, before looking up at Axl.

"I hope you're proud of yourself." I mutter quietly, standing up and walking to my room, blood still pouring from my nose. I open the door and see Harley sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. "Daddy are you ok?" She asks. "Daddys fine, get your teddy's, we are going." I say throwing my bag onto the bed and proceeding to throw all the clothes we would possibly need for two or three nights away. 

Shs listens, and grabs her teddy's, handing them to me to put in the suitcase. Resting the broken photo frame and the picture on top. I then grab our toothbrushes and our pillows, stuffing them into the half full bag. I walk to the other side of the room and pick up one of my guitar cases, resting it on the bed, before grabbing the les Paul guitar and putting in the red fluffy case, making sure it was snug then closing and locking it shut. I fling the bag over my shoulder along with the guitar resting in my fist and grab Harls hand. "Let's go baby." I say giving her a kiss. "Now don't talk to Axl ok? He's done something very bad and he needs to know that we are angry at him ok?" 

"Ok daddy." She says, smiling up at me.

I open the bedroom door and without looking at Axl, we make our way to the front door. "Slash...please don't go." I hear Steven say. I turn back to look at him then at the others, avoiding Axl's gase. "I'll be back in a few days for the rest of our things. I'm not quitting. I….we.. just can't live here anymore. It's not safe" I say 

"Slash, please stay, do what's best for the band." Izzy whispers I'm a pleading tone. "I can't. Izzy, I'm a father now, the band isn't my first priority anymore. I need to do what's best for my daughter."

I looked over at Duff who looked like someone stabbed him in the heart. I knew how close he and  Harley were, and how much she meant to him. This was going to hurt him the most. "I'm sorry." I whisper to him, before opening the door and walking out, Harley trailing behind me. "Daddy, where are we going to live?" She says looking up. "Daddys will get a house." I say. Trying to convince myself that what I was saying was true.

We flag down a cab and they take us to the nearest motel where we stayed the night.

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