night in shining armour

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This one is short and no one requested it but it just came to me as I was trying to sleep last night


"Alright baby, I won't be long ok? Just wait here." My father, slash, says before kissing me cheek and walking into the grocery store.
I wait for him to come back, scrolling through instagram and tik tok to pass the time. It was a warm, late Friday night and we didn't have anything for tea, so we decided to quickly drive down to the shops to get something for tea

"Hello gorgeous." I look up and see a clearly drunk man, more than likely around the same age as my dad. "Hi?" I say softly,
"Are you a prostitute?" He asks bluntly. This takes me by surprise and I take a small step back. "Er no… I'm just waiting…"
 "Can I ask for your services?" I suddenly felt very uncomfortable in my own clothes. "I'm not a-" 

"How old are you? 18? 19? You have to be fairly young, I mean look at that body!" He exclaims, stepping so close that the smell of cigarettes and Jack danils was intoxicating. "You have lovely skin." He adds going to run his hand up my sleeveless arms. I step back. All I was wearing was a singlet with a picture of a motorbike on it and a tight leather skirt with docs on. If he really wanted to, it wouldn't take much for him to take it off.

Where the fuck is my dad

"Come on." He insists, stepping forward once more and grabbing my arm in a bruising hold "let me go!" I cried out trying to yank my arm away but to no avail. Suddenly I felt a jacket being slung over my shoulders

 Ah my knight in shining armour.

 "Step the fuck away before I kill you, you hear me?" My dad yells at the guy. Wrapping an arm around my chest that I hold onto  "I said 'do you hear me?'"

"I hear ya, I hear ya," the man says, putting his arms up in surrender. He smiles bitterly, like dad is an inconvenience before slinking away to hide in the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Slash pulls you against him, your head resting against his chest.

"Are you ok? He didn't hurt you, right?" He asks, all malice previously lacing his words completely gone. You shake your head, too shaken up to say words. "Come on."

Dad leads you to his car, shutting the door behind you before getting in the driver's seat. Putting the bags in the back. He watches you with inspecting eyes, making sure you're alright. 


Slash pov 

We were almost home, a couple blocks away, when I heard her speak for the first time "Daddy?" She says barely above a whisper. "Yeah baby?" I looked over at me through my hair and shades, even though it was completely dark outside. "I was really scared." She finally looks at me, and what I see breaks my heart. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her cheeks were red. She had my jacket wrapped tightly around her shoulders, covering her bare stomach.

I sigh and pull over to the side of the road, she gives me a questioning look. "C'mere babe." I say softly unbuckling my seat belt and moving the chair back enough for her to curl up on my lap. 

She quickly undos her seat belt and climbs over the console into my awaiting arms. "It will be alright baby. Daddys got ya." I say softly as she buries her face into the crook of my neck. "I was really really scared." She sobs into my shoulder "I know baby, I know."

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