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Buckle up buttercups this is gonna be rough.



"Slash? Its time…" Duff poked his head around my bedroom door. I look up at him and slightly nod, standing up. Walking over to the door I look up at Duff who slight adjusted the collar of my black tux  Then pulled me into a hug  "Come on." He whispers. I reluctantly pull away, whipping the tears off on the back of my hand

He walks out into the lounge and I follow close behind. We get to the frount door and only then do I look up. Axl, Steven and Izzy, were all stareing at me with small smiles on there faces, though none of them were happy.


I look around the small room that had little to nothing in it, just a small stool and a bench with a cross and some flowers on it and a full sized mirror. I slightly nod to people as they walk in to take there seats and wait for the seramony to begin. Finally Axl walks in "It's here." Steven follows in behind him, walking straight up to me. "I..I will see you up there. I'm so. So sorry. " he says looking up at me with tear filled eyes.


"Alright, three two one." Izzy counts us in and we lift the box onto our shoulders, Axl behind me, Duff to my right and Izzy behind him. I refused to look directly at the box, it reminded me of the harsh reality that I was currently living, the silver handle cool as I gripped it in my hand though. 

The door opens and that was our cue. Slowly, we made our way down the isle, looking straight ahead, as people, some people I recognised other people I had no clue who or why they were here, stared at us. We start to get to the front and I finally recognised some faces. My mum, dad, my brother, Nikki sixx, Tommy lee, Mick even Vince, where sitting two rows back from where we would be sitting. Ozzy, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, David fucking Bowy, Alice Cooper. And many many more rock stars that she loved. How the fuck did Duff and Axl manage to get theses people here.

Finally we walk past Steven in the front row, then up the red felt steps, setting the wood down softly on the marble countertop. Walking back down to the seats.

"We gather here today to morn the loss of a friend."


I listen to numerous people talk about someone they didn't even fucking know. Untill it was our turn. My turn. 

I stand up slowly and walk to the otem. Not dareing to look at the picture. Taking a deep breath I begin 

"She was, my everything, my first love, my muse, my laughter. When I first met her, she completely changed everything. I stopped doing drugs and I even limited my alcohol. And it's not because I needed to stop doing them. Hell I was doing drugs every day for breakfast lunch and dinner without fail just fir fun. But when I met her, the most beautiful girl with the biggest eyes and kindest heart. I stopped, because she was my drug, and my alcohol. Whenever I was with her, it was like shooting up but with out the pain, without waking up the next morning to realise that I was slowly killing my body so I get drunk to forget about it." 

I take a deep breath whipping the tears from my cheeks. "Most people, believe in love at first sight. But I didn't.  Not untill November 16th, 1985. When I first met her, then, and only then, I knew that I was in love. I wouldn't need anyone else as long as she was there. And even though she's gone and shes not coming back. I still won't need anyone. Because, she's still is and will always be with me. When I play guitar. When I make music. When I walk into a bar. When I'm I bed at night and I can't sleep. I know she is with me." I finish with a deep breath. Looking out to the crowd one last time.

Then Duff went, then Izzy, then Steven, then Axl. All with a separate speechs they had prepared.


We stand up at the alter. Watching evenone leave. Finally, it was only us five. "How are you?" Izzy asks aproching me. "Not good." I answer honestly. "Don't worry, the pain won't last." 

"No. No it will. I will just have to learn how to live with it." Izzys nods in agreement. "We will leave you alone." Axl says. "To say your goodbyes." 

I watch them walk down the red carpet and out the door. With a deep sigh, I take off my top hat and slowly turn around. Looking at the casket, for the first time. "Oh baby girl. Why?" I whisper. I look up at the picture above the casket. I picture I had took at her first Guns N Roses show. She had headphones on and a one off my top hats over top. My little girl. I couldn't believe she was gone. "Harley… you promised you would never leave me." I say softly. "I thought I told you never to lie." I sob out

"Daddys gonna miss you. Daddys going to miss you a lot.


The casket was lowered into the grave.

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