Big girl

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I let out a sigh as I rub a hand over my face

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I let out a sigh as I rub a hand over my face. We had been moved out of hell house for about two months now. I had managed to find a little house, small, but big enough for My daughter and I to share. There was one room, a bathroom barely big enough for me two stand. If I was to stretch out my arms they would touch the walls on either side. There was also a tiny kitchen and a lounge room that consisted of a single couch and tv.

I got up from the kitchen table and make my way down the hallway to the only bedroom that my daughter and I slept in together. Today Harley decided she wanted to be a big girl (even tho she's only three) and dress herself, so I had left her to get dressed whilst I prepared breakfast. Arving in front of our closed door, I knocked twice and open the door. "Hey beautiful how's it.... Oh my god." I stare at the sight in front on me

She was standing in the middle of the room with one of my misfits shirts on, a red tutu and my top hat. Around her neck she had a leopard print scarf and three of my necklaces. To top it all off, she had one of my leather jackets on, that she was practically drowning in. She supported the biggest smile on her face and was giggling slightly. "Baby girl...what are you wearing?" I laugh walking over and sit on the edge of the bed "Do I look pretty daddy?" She asks running over to me and holding on to my knee

"My love. You are the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on, but can I help you with this amazing outfit you have going on?" She looks at me skepticaly then finally after visible argument with herself, she agrees.

Half an hour later, we had come up with a decent looking outfit that wasn't too far from her original design. She kept the tutu, but instead we swapped out the shirt for one of her slipknot ones, my top hat was replaced with a red bandanna, and we lost the scarf all together.

She stands infont of the tall mirror next to the bed and smiles. "Daddy?"
"Yeah princess?"
"Thank you daddy."
"For what baby?"
She thinks for a second
"For being the bestest daddy ever."

A smile appears on my face and tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I kneel behind her, then gently pull her backwards into my chest, and wrap my arms protectively around her, then bury my face into her hair.

"Are you ok daddy?"

I slightly laugh

"I couldn't be any better, my little princess. You make me the happiest person in the whole world, you know that right?" I ask her, looking into her eyes through the mirror. "Really?"
"Of course cutie."
"Hehe, thank you daddy." She blushes then turns around and gives me a soft kiss on my check then runs out of my arms then out the room, possibly to get her breakfast. My beautiful baby girl

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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