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Thank you for the suggestion Lizziedoo22 I hope you enjoy:))

Feel free to drop in some story suggestions!!!


I'm bluntly aware of the car horn that goes off to my left as I speed through yet another red light. Though my mind was racing fast then my car could ever go. "Holy shit!" I yell, narrowly missing a man in a wheelchair, my eyes scanning the car park for a spot.

When I find one, I pull up, throwing myself out of the car and hall assing it towards the front doors of the Queen of Angels hospital. "Slash wait!!" I hear someone yell behind me. I turn around to see Axl, Duff, Izzy and Steven sprinting to catch up. Who the hell told them?

Ignoring the protests of my band mates hospital staff, I run to room 583 knocking twice until the door opens. "Are you Saul Hudson?" I haven't heard anyone call me that in years but I nod nonetheless "Great. We need your help to calm miss Smith. Is she your wife?" Not this bitch sgain. "No, I accidentally got her pregnant. I barely know her." I mutter ignoring the look that the nurse gave me before walking into the room that was covered in white.

"You mother fucker, you did this to me I'm going to fucking kill you and the God damn baby!' As soon as I come into view I'm being yelled at. I sigh and rub my eyes, it was 3 in the morning and I was too tired for this. "Kathren, you said that you were on the pill."

"Well why the fuck am I pregnant!? Huh?? Answer that one you cunt, you know what? Fuck it. I don't want anything to do with you or your ugly fucking child."she states standing up against the wills of the doctors and nurses, she makes her way to the bathroom the reamurges fully dressed. Not sparing me a look, she storms out of the room.

All I could do was watch

I barely new the girl, she was a prostitute in California that offered me her services. But she did carry my child around for nine months and gave birth to it. I couldn't just let her go. So I ran out of the room to look for her, frantically looking up and down the halls, but she was gone.

"Uh slash?" My head looks to my left to see a middle aged woman with dark black hair pulled tightly back in a bun "Your child is still in the room..."

Fuck right

"Yeah sorry." She begins to walk down the same hallway I just ran down. Opening the door and letting me inside. She motions for me to stay put, so I do. Watching her walk away.

Moments later she appears with a bundle of blankets. "Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl!" That's when the situation hits me like a Mac truck of Bricks. I almost pass out tight there and then. I stand there staring at the bundle of blankets, a million thoughts racing through my head all at once.

How will I ever be a good father?

How can I provide her with what she needs? Hell I can barely look after myself. I'm a junkie that weighs under 150 pounds and I'm a fully grown man

What about the band?

What are they going to think?

Will my mates tease me for showing full emotion to someone. I have always been one to never care all that much, I'm told what to do and I do it. But now, no one's going to be here to help me.

I'm alone

"Sir? Would you like to hold her?" My mind goes blank "what?" I probably sound like a dumbass. "Would you like to hold your child?"

"Uh...yes." it came out more like a question. But I didn't have time to worry about that, she was already holding the baby out towards me.

Shit shit shit shit don't drop her don't drop her don't drop her

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