6 - These Violent Delights

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A/N: Remember when I told you italicized texts were Pooh-san's pov? From now on they are the ones both bold and italicized. Because I realized I need italicized texts for other things :D That's it. Enjoy!


While running at an insane speed on the treadmill my mind got clearer. I thought about this morning when I watched a ton of "Yuzuru's fluffy moments" videos trying to persuade myself he can't be a person like...Viktor. And I mean it's already impossible for him to be at the same level of evilness as him. Maybe he was staring because the dance was...provocative? I mean I looked at it like that too when I saw it for the first time. He was most definitely looking at the dance in that way, not me. Yes, this makes sense. Stupid Tami saying stupid things. She always misjudges things into flirty stuff.

My nerves settled only after I convinced myself he is just, you know, Yuzuru, without any hidden agenda. The therapy session seemed like a burden again so I decided to cancel it. And about yesterday's panic attack, definitely only happened because I let my guard down for a moment, for the last two years I managed to control it and from now on I will make sure this will never happen again, at least not in front of people.

An hour at the gym and I was calm like a koala. You gotta love those endorphins. When I went upstairs to the rink for the practice, He was already (of course) waiting for me near the benches.


She's here. Act cool. Ok, Pooh-san, I can do this! I've had coaches for years, surely I must have learned something from them. Though she didn't reply to me yesterday. Was the text too stupid? Maybe I will call Brian to ask. Or maybe I can google "How to be a Coach 101" or "Coaching for Dummies."

I swear this kid was smarter when he was 10.

"Good morning, rookie-chan"

"Ha-ha. I took notes, don't worry. It's all in here, including Rostelecom." She pointed at her head.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Before we start, tell me if you had breakfast, though I'm 500% sure you didn't" I took a bottle out of my bag and put it on the board.

She gave me a puzzled look, "No, I didn't. Why?"

"Well then, this protein shake is for you. You are just like Javi. He never had a proper breakfast so Brian always had one of these ready for him."

"You're scaring me."


"You are acting so...nice?"

"Sorry, I wasn't aware of being a monster most of the time."

"No, I didn't mean you were a monster, ok maybe a bit scary. But this is, I don't know, weird."

"I just don't want you to faint in the middle of the practice and force me to deal with unnecessary lawsuits. Just drink it, it's not going to kill you."

"One can never know these days."

I was going to ruffle her hair as always but the second my hand touched her head she flinched back as if she was electroshocked. Now it was me who was looking at her with a puzzled look.

"What's the matter?"

She averted her gaze, "Nothing."

"No, there is something. Tell me."

"Seriously, it's nothing."

"Why did you flinch like that?"

"I just didn't want you to mess up my hair." She immediately started tying her hair in a tight ponytail as she gave me a fake smile.

Jade (Yuzuru Hanyu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora