8 - All I Want For Christmas

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You know, I was sure I served my sentence by mopping the kitchen floor while trying to endure his snarky comments as he was watching me with a smirk;

"You missed a spot."

"I don't think it's clean enough."

"Can't you use your arms any better? I thought you were an athlete."

"Oops, I've spilled more water here."

As I was saying, I was sure. Huge mistake. I didn't put his sadistic tendencies into account. My torture wasn't over yet, because as soon as we entered the rink and saw Kenji, Yuzuru turned to me just like a disciplined mom; "What were you going to say to Kenji-san, Jade?"

"Please." I was looking at him with begging eyes but he was looking at me with his brows raised as if to say "You WILL do it."

I bowed until my stomach nearly touched my legs "Kenji-san, I'm sorry for ruining half of your night."

"Jade, come on don't listen to him. We had an amazing night, Midori is still laughing at it."

Yuzuru hushed him and poked my side, "And?"

"And for grinding on your girlfriend."

"Good girl." He patted my head as if I were a golden retriever.

While Kenji was laughing behind us, he put one arm over my shoulder and basically dragged me to the rink.

"I want to change the music for my programs."

"Haven't we already decided to change your short to Flashdance?" He grinned without lifting his head from the phone hence didn't see my eye roll.

"ISU is not ready for this. I can see the headlines 'Skater or Stripper? Hanyu's Student Goes Wild On Ice.'"

He gave me a charming smirk, "Since it's impossible for them to hate me even more, I don't see a problem."

"But seriously I want to change them."

"When you have nearly three months left for the Worlds? No."

"Come on, you know I can learn the choreography really fast. I need some change."

"Then change your music taste, I can't go through the same thing as last summer and tolerate your terrible choices."

"They were not terrible!"

"You wanted to skate to 'You Spin Me Round'."

"And can you imagine how awesome it would be to do donut spin with that, just like a record?? Hmm?"

He looked at me in a way that told me I was testing his patience.

"So it's groundbreaking when you add the fourth revolution to a jump but it's lame when I want to spin with that song? What happened to the interview 'Oh I believe I can improve the sport with the innovative ideas of the new generation'?"

"You can spin here with any song in your free time. No one will stop you, believe me, on the contrary, they will probably do anything to leave you alone."

"Hmph. You'll see I'll come up with something amazing."

He looked at the ceiling, "Why?" Then turned his gaze to me again, "Fine, but hurry because we need to go to your costume fitting in two weeks, Ito-san is so busy we won't be able to reschedule."

"This time I will also participate in the design, the last one you two designed for me made me look like a Christmas cookie."

"And? Everyone loves Christmas cookies."

Jade (Yuzuru Hanyu)Where stories live. Discover now