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The last time we heard about Vera's life she was struggling mentally, physically, and emotionally. A whole year later and Vera is beginning to be a better person. She's learning self care. Vera enjoys the small things while practicing self care. She takes the time for skin care, a new hobby in makeup, and meditation. Music has become therapy to her, she's found relationships and bonds with people that help her in positive, inspiring ways. Vera's only fear is life is going so well for her she's scared that rock bottom is coming near again because only good things last so long. And bad things are what she's used too. Vera starts opening up now that she's mentally in a better place. Hanging out with friends. Going to get togethers. She meets a girl named Maya. Maya and her have been FaceTiming every night for a couple months. Maya mentions how she sees Vera has been going out why don't they hang out for a night with a group of friends. Vera denies scared of the past reoccurring. Vera goes about her day.But finds herself wondering how much fun she would have if she'd just take Maya's offer about that night. So Vera paces around her room for a little then calls Maya back. Maya has 2 phones so Maya was on her other phone with a guy that Maya had been trying to get Vera to hang out with. Vera so shy and broken says hi it's nice to meet you. He's also quiet but has a small conversation and asks if he can text Vera later that night. Her mind going a million miles a minute agrees. Maya hangs up her boyfriend who lives states away calls and she has to answer so Vera says goodbye briefly. Luka messages her a few hours later asking what she's like what's she into. Vera replies awkward as ever not understanding how anyone could see her as attractive ever again. But she tells him she's into the stars, zodiacs, writing, and art. Her new found love for zodiacs and stars came along with her finding her spirituality. Luka seems bored at first but responds they talk a little more. A few texts back and forth. Maya calls and asks if Vera would go hang out with her, Luka, and her friend Jack. The butterflies begin Vera's so scared to fall for him but she agrees to hang out. Luka comes to her house in his car and the moment Vera opens the car door she see's his shiny hazel eyes glaring at her.Vera's heart falls immediately but she plays it off. The friends go to a park after dark to hang out. Snow lightly covers the parking lot in the January breeze. Vera asks to stand by the pier and take pictures. So Jack, Maya, Luka and Vera all head there. Vera as clumsy as ever tumbles over her feet and almost slips off the pier Luka grabs her underneath her arms and says I think it's best if I hold you till we get off of here. Vera melting as if she's a popsicle on a hot summer day just replies okay. At this time a couple hours go by everyone's tired so Luka takes Maya home first. Then Jack gets dropped off also. Vera asks if she can stay with Luka for a little while. Vera didn't understand how 1 person could feel so much like home just only knowing them for a few hours. But she didn't wanna leave this moment. The rain begins to fall Vera's favorite weather, then it begins to snow again. Luka and Vera talked for hours. About the past, the present, the future. They talked about their dreams, goals, aspirations in life. Vera fell so deeply after that conversation. Her nerves got the best of her and while in the backseat of Lukas car Vera begins to throw up. Racing thoughts begin how could she mess up this night a perfect nice guy and here she is messing up her chances. But he didn't judge her just held her hair back and took her home telling her rest was what was best for now. Could this be her future? Is it her time for happiness finally?

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