Chasing dreams

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The last part we talked about Vera's dream. One thing she wouldn't let go of. Even though Vera saw no one fit the part like Luka she kept hoping. Her inner child just felt right with him. But at the time Vera thought he hated her. When she had destroyed their bond she had said some things she didn't remember because she blacked out. Those things had a huge impact on Luka's point of view of her. Vera continued on she's a rolling stone only forwards not backwards. It's been a few months since she spoke to Luka. When she received a snapchat from a guy she knew from high school his name was Lance he had asked if he could bring her flowers. Vera was deeply afraid because of her trauma and her heart was still open for Luka no one else. She told him it was okay. He brought them in a Pontiac trans-am. Now everyone that knows Vera knows she loves old cars she's a car girl. She fell deeply that night when he asked her out on a date. They went to a field to look at the stars. She knew that there's a chance for someone else to be the prince that's coming to rescue her from the castle surrounded by dragons. She gave Lance a chance. They moved in together she stayed at his moms house which was more grand then anything Vera ever experienced as a poor girl from the ghetto. Then Lance told Vera he bought his own house. Vera moved in and she thought maybe this was her little house. Until one night after being at Lances house for 3 months. Vera's phone rang at about 12 at night. Her and Lance had already been sleeping but as soon as Vera saw the initials light up the screen she knew who it was LLWjr. Luka Lee Wayne jr.. Her heart sunk she thought something was wrong she threw on a hoodie and pajama pants and ran out to the front porch. Answering the phone as the pain filled her heart all over again. "Hello, you okay." "Vera it's so good to hear from you how are you." Vera lying through her teeth cause she didn't want Luka to know she thought about him often replies "I'm so happy." Luka becomes disappointed you can hear in his voice. They go on talking for hours, Vera breaks the conversation and tells him it's getting late she's gotta go but Luka stops her and says I have to tell you something tomorrow. Vera anxious as ever can't sleep she tosses all night until the birds sing in the early morning. Finally the phone goes off after Lance leaves for work. It's Luka he tells her that he's always been in love with her and he's so sorry if he ever had the chance to fix it he could prove to her. Every feeling she's ever felt for Luka comes rushing back. How does she fix this complicated situation she's in now?

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