Chapter 21: Bacon

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"So your birthday is coming up soon," I hear Sammy say from next to me.

"Yeah, I'll be 18 on February 5,"

"You like Jason Derulo, right?"

"Yeah," I say suspiciously.

"Well, happy birthday," he says, handing me 4 concert tickets to Jason Derulo.

"Oh my God, thank you so much!" I say excitedly, hugging him tightly.

"Yep. The concert is on your birthday, and I talked to Skate and Johnson and they said they wanna go to the concert."

"I'm so happy now! But I'm hungry, so let's get up." I say, trying to get out of bed, but failing because Sammy is holding on to me.

"But babe,"

"Let go or I'll flush your concert ticket down the toilet."

"Ugh fine, but only cuz I love you." He says, letting go of me. I walk over to my closet and find something to wear.

I finally pick out a pair of black skinny jeans with rips down the front and one of Sammy's shirts. I grab my black Vans. "I'm ready," I say.

"Jeez, you got dressed fast,"

"Yeah, so get your lazy butt up." I say, walking over to him.

"Fine, meet me downstairs though."

"Okay," I say, walking over to the door.

I walk down stairs and see Johnson and Skate eating.

"Wassup?" Johnson asks, cereal falling out of his mouth.

"I'm hungry,"

"You're always hungry," Skate says to me.

"Yeah, I know." I say, opening up the fridge and grabbing the bacon. I walk over to the plates and put most of the package of bacon on it. I reach up to the microwave and put it in. I soon feel arms around my waist.

"Hey beautiful," Sammy says from behind me.

"Hey, you realize that soon the pregnancy hormones will kick in, right?"

"And what does that mean?"

"It means, I'll be a bitch and I'll have random food cravings,"

"Oh well, I'll love you forever."

"Even when I'm fat?"

"You won't be fat,"

"I'm pregnant. With twins. I have to feed me and them. So I'll need a ton of food and I'll eat it all and bam! I'll be fat."

Sammy rolls his eyes. "That happens to every woman."

"Ooh my bacons ready." I say, reaching back up to grab the freshly cooked bacon. I walk to the table.

Sammy sits next to me. I text him. 'should I tell Johnson and skate that I'm pregnant?'

'Yass lets do it now,' Sammy replies back to me.

"Johnson. Skate. We have some news for you." I say.

They look up. "If you're pregnant I'm not changing diapers." Skate says.

"Well too bad, because I am pregnant."

"Can I baby sit?" Johnson asks.

"Sure, you and Skate can watch them both."

"Them, both?" Skate asks.

"She's having twins." Sammy says.

"Ew! That means you did the nasty!" Johnson yells like a little kid.

"Yeah, that's how babies are made."

"How?" Skate asks, being a dumbass.

"Well," Sammy starts, "when a boy and a girl love each over very much they-"

"I know how babies are made,
Jesus," Skate rolls his eyes.

"So, when are you due?" Johnson asks quickly.

"November 15,"

"What if they're born on my birthday?" Sammy asks.

"Then you'll be lucky."

"Oh but damn, we'd have to celebrate 3 birthdays right by each other," Skate points out.

"Oh well, we can just have one party because I'm gonna save money," I say.

"But I'll literally buy you anything," Sammy says.

"I need to buy some stuff on my own."

"Like what?"

"Food. If you buy me all the food I eat then you'll go broke."

"Really?" Sammy rolls his eyes.

"I can eat a whole pizza in one meal."

"So can I," Skate says from across the table.

"Same," Johnson adds.

"I can eat a whole pizza, and dessert," Sammy fights back.

"You'll puke, your stomach is weak like that," I say, slapping his stomach.

"Thank you," Sammy says.

"Bro, you're weird as fuck." Johnson says.

"I know, I know,"

"What are we doing today?" I ask, changing the subject because this is getting boring as shit.

"Well, I think we should book a flight to LA as a get away and to look at apartments or houses."

"How about this, I'll look at apartments and you book the flight." I say to Sammy.

"Johnson, Skate, you two going with us to LA?"

"Oh my god yes. I wanna go there so badly," Johnson says.

"Sammy, get four plane tickets."

"How much do you what the plane tickets to be?"

"I'm between $200 and $500 for each ticket. I'll be right back." I say. I run up stairs and grab my laptop and Sammy's laptop. "Here," I say, handing Sammy his laptop.

I get on a website and search for apartments.

"Rachel, I found an airline, its American and its $253 for one person." Sammy says.

"Cool." I say. "I haven't found any apartments that I like yet,"

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