Prologue: Memories

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Alright, so welcome to my first Author's Note! *celebratory dancing*

Anyway, so this is my first EVER Fanfic and yes, it's involves around the game Ib. If you don't know the game don't worry about it, this story is about what would happen after it (With a bit of my own twist as you will read there below) of the game. So you really don't need to play it yourself if you don't want to or whatever :P Although it would be cool to know that after this story you would try it out!

NOW to the people that know the game like the back of their hand, and are fan of it too. I will change stuff around a bit, so it won't be EXACTLY THE SAME THING like the original, but it won't be extreme either so don't worry and don't kill me in my sleep pls! <3

I also apologize beforehand if I make a few mistakes (cough many cough)Feel free to correct me and I will edit it later on when I have time! Don't go all grammer Nazi on me through *shivers*

Wow, I talked quiet a lot for my first author's note huh? Anyway have fun reading! ;D


Where am I? What was I doing...anyway, mom will be so mad if I don't come back soon.

I walked down the corridor, feeling myself lighten up as I moved away from the large painting. How did I go this far away anyway? Whenever tried to think about it, my head would feel heavy and start hurting badly. Whatever, first I have to find mommy and daddy .

I looked around the crowded corridor, and looked for my parents. I'm pretty sure I just got myself lost here. Did I pass the cat painting already? I sighed and looked for anyone to ask for directions.

My eyes stopped on a tall, slim adult with violet hair. He also had a weird jacket on, while looking at him my head just started to hurt more. He was looking at a gigantic statue of a red rose, with a sad smile on his face.

"Excuse me sir, but what are you looking at?"

I don't know why I just didn't ask for the exit, the question just came out naturally. I didn't even stutter or whisper it like I usually do with strangers, it was as if I knew the man very well and wanted to talk to him unconsciously.

The man turned around and looked and me with a puzzled gaze.

"Hm? Well, let's see... It's a rose sculpture I guess..." He replied. He turned back to the sculpture and stared at it. From the way he said that, it seemed like he is in another world entirely, not able to think straight.

While in thought, I was startled when he start to talk again.

"...When I look at this sculpture..." he said with a now clearly sad and longing tone. "I feel somehow sorrowful... I wonder why?"

I started to feel sad for him, I wanted to tell him that it's fine, that I'm here. But why? I just met this man. Why do I feel like I know him so well? Like we are friends.

He turned back to me, a bit shocked.

"Ah I'm sorry if I said anything to trouble you, Ib..."

"It's fine..."

Then there was silence.

It took him and I a bit to realise what he just said. My head suddenly started to hurt even more, and the man seems to be even more troubled.

"Wait, what ? Who is Ib?"

"T-that's my name," I replied shakily, It felt like I banged my head against the wall a couple of times now, and I'm starting to get creeped out too. How does he know my name?

He opened his eyes wide with that reply, "Your name is really Ib?


"This is the strangest thing... I mean I don't know you at all, it just kind of came out... how odd."

He looked me straight in the eyes and murmured, "Perhaps maybe... we have met before?"

"I d-don't think so," I replied. I couldn't think straight now, to me this situation was starting to become way too weird. I just want to get out of this already and go to my mom and dad. I miss them... it feels like I didn't see them for so long.

He sighed and looked away and put his head in his hands, deep in thought. He looked pale, maybe he has a headache too?

"My, look at me, asking you such strange things." He said before patting me on the head softly. I don't know how to react, I never met such a kind stranger. It really seemed like I know him, It feels like I trust him a lot, and that he cares for me greatly.

"Nevermind what I said there." He said with a forced smile as he stepped back. "Well... Bye..."

And then he was gone. I stood there for a bit shocked. I don't know why, but I felt like my heart was just broken in pieces, as if I lost something very important to me. I looked again to the sculpture...

and started to cry.

I don't even know why I did I usually never cry. I suddenly fell to the ground and started to cry uncontrollably. My head felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't stop crying anymore , and adults started to crowd around me worriedly. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the blurred images of my parents moving through the crowd towards me. A painting of them came in my mind... a weird sofa... a blond girl... the violet haired man and his friendly smile...

Then, everything hit me at once, all the memories and horrible images. I couldn't hold it in anymore.


I woke up, sweating buckets as I lifted my head in agony from the terrible pain. I looked at the Clock next to me on my little nightstand.

"3 am....." I sighed and put the thick blanket over my head again. It's summer, and yet, I felt as cold as ice. I couldn't stop shacking as horrible images of the gallery went through my head: the memories of the monsters, the creepy paintings and nightmares. All this started 7 years after that day.

On the day I lost Garry.

I looked to my desk located under my window, that was showing the star filled night sky. I felt the urge to go there and open my little pouch with the lemon candy in it, but I know that if do that I won't be able to fall asleep again. The new school day at my new school is going start tomorrow... I mean today. I can't leave a bad impression.

I hugged my cushion tightly and closed my eyes, but that made the horrific images even more clearly to be seen.

Will the nightmares ever stop?


Thank you for reading! :D *throws confetti*

I changed the ending there to a bit of a mix of Memory's Crannies and Promise of Reunion with Garry's Dialogue :P. Hope its not too weird.

Feel free to comment and tell me on how you feel about this! I would love to read them! (If anyone will actually read this other than my friends lmao <3)


*bows* Ty for your time :)

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