Chapter 1

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"Well, I'm off to school," I announced a bit hesitantly as I looked at her lying on the sofa.

Mom turned towards me as she was preparing scrambled eggs for my father's breakfast. She coughed a bit. She recently gets sick a lot but insists on doing the house chores alone, even though I offer y help whenever possible. Like right now for example, since I'm going to my new school way too early.

She forced a weak smile as she continued coughing while I was standing at the door , already dressed in my new school uniform and with my red bag over my shoulders. It must remind her of the old days when I used to go to that school in elementary.

"Have fun at your new school dear, and be sure to be save," she coughed a few times as she said those words and turned back to her work.

"I will try," I mumbled quietly to myself, as I opened the door and softly closed it behind myself. I walked down the old, familiar streets I used to walk on when I was a child. I hadn't been here for over 6 years, and I still can't believe that I returned. I never thought I would agree to come back here on my own.

~3 months ago flashback~

"Both your mom and I have plans to move back to our hometown," dad announced to me carefully, making sure to not say something wrong accidently. I knew this day would come at one point.

I just stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Mom did that instead.

"We know you might not want to go back there, after all the incidents that happened when you were 9 years old." She said and paused.

"So before we did anything, we wanted your decision as well, we don't want to cause you trouble or pain in anyway," Dad added ,"We can stay here if you still feel like you can't go back."

I moved uneasily in my seat. They are putting way too much pressure on me. I can't blame them though, they had to move and abandon their family, friends and jobs because of my selfishness. If this continued, nothing would change and I would just cause people around me to feel as troubled as I am. This silly fear and nightmares had to stop.

After a long pause of thought, I raised my head and smiled to their surprise.

"I'm fine with that, when are we moving?" I asked .

They looked shocked at first but smiled and hugged me, and started talking about the move, How we were going to visit my relatives and meet new people. I wasn't really listening through. I was surprised about myself.

I just took the first step to fix myself , but now I had to take an even more difficult step towards the end of my Phobia.

~End of flashback~

Before I even realised, I was already in front of the school entrance. I didn't walk this path for so long, yet it's like I was never gone as I walked along the streets.

The school didn't change much either. The school looked exactly the same, with the same friendly and familiar atmosphere. I even recognized a few of my primary teachers as I walked in. I smiled as I remembered my time in this school when I was in 1st-3rd Grade. Those were the good days, if we don't include 4th grade...

I looked around excitedly and noticed that a couple of students looked over to me as I entered the main hall. I glanced at them blankly. Once they noticed me looking at them, they started whispering to each other. I stiffened up uncomfortably , realizing that maybe I will meet a few of my old "friends" here. Maybe events will repeat themselves.

Hopefully they don't recognize me. I don't want to go through the same pain and humiliation just because of my fears and shyness like back then...

"Ib, would you mind introducing and saying something about yourself to your new classmates?" My new homeroom teacher, Mrs. Trill, asked kindly.

"My name is Ib ... I'm 16 years old and just moved here... I hope we can all get along..." I mumbled while unconsciously fiddling with my skirt.

It's my first day here in this High-school, and most of the students are already looking at me weirdly. I really hope we will get along , not like what happened in my previous school.

"For now," the teacher said while looking around the class," you can sit next to Viola, if you have any questions just ask her."

I nodded and slowly walked to the back of the room where the teacher was pointing at an empty chair. Next to it was a cute, petite blond girl with 2 braids going down to her waist. Her pale-green eyes where directed to the window. She turned her head towards me lazily and stared blankly at me when I sat down.

"Um...h-hello," I said with my usual anxiety around strangers. The way she was staring at me just made me feel even more uncomfortable.

Her eyes suddenly widened and she kind off jumped in her seat, to which a few people in class started snickering.

"Hello! I'm sorry in the morning I doze off a lot without realizing," she explained to me in a panic, making her seem completely different from her indifferent attitude earlier.

"Don't you mean you always doze off whenever you have the chance to?" a girl with purple hair said to us while giggling. She turned to us and showed us a wicked smile before she swiftly turned around again to look at the board.

Viola sighed and glared at the girl's back, then turned back to me.

"Well I can't really deny that, but there is no need to say it like that Ellen."

"Shhhh, you wouldn't want to get in trouble again for not listening in class and sleeping right?" The girl named Ellen said happily. It seemed she enjoyed teasing Viola.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself and my friend there, then again you heard our names. I'm Viola and that wierdo in front of us is Ellen, my best friend since childhood." Ellen turned around again as Viola introduced her and grinned at me. Her smile was a kinda.. eerie.

"I hope we will be able to be friends Ib!" Ellen suddenly shouted excitedly. The entire class giggled to the sudden noise. Ellen giggled as well. Mrs.Trill glared daggers at her before continuing with her History lesson. I guess Ellen likes to get attention.

I giggled too, my uneasiness slowly disappearing around these two. I looked around the class at the students, not being able to notice anyone I may know from my childhood. I sighed in relief, and tried to concentrate as much as possible to Mrs. Trills explanations .


Hello Guys! It has been a looooonnggg time hasn't it? Welp I apologize to all of you ;-; I have been very busy recently with exams, extra classes and more exams. ;/ I have to admit however that the long wait for you guys was also caused by my lack of confidence. (Ik ik, like seriously GET YOURSELF TOGETHER CARY) My friend gave me inspiration since she just writes about whatever she likes without a caareeeeee in the world (which I truly admire, @DarkLightLily) ! So I now I will just go to the flow and not care what people might think and just go along with it :3

Also thank you guys for the votes and reads! Every person counts and I'm happy that someone is actually reading this! ^.^ Cookies for everyone <3

So yeah guys, have a fabulous fantastic day! *throws cookies everywhere while dancing to music oO0o0o0*

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