Chapter 5

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"Ib, are you alright over there?"

I stopped banging my head against my desk and looked up to Viola. She held a blank expression of boredom on her face but her eyes showed honest concern.

"Don't worry about me. I'm just having a really bad day today."

She slightly raised her eyebrow in curiosity but didn't ask any further questions once the bell rang again. She glanced back at me, then sat next to me and continued her daily routine of staring outside the window.

We all went back to our seats and readied our books. I fixed my back upright and look towards the teacher. This time, I really need to concentrate in class.

After the incident that happened a couple of hours ago, I entered the class a good amount of minutes late. The teacher however didn't scold me. I must have looked like I saw a ghost and honestly, I still feel shaken and sick.

Another thing that surprised me today was Viola's concern about me. I didn't think Viola cared about my well being till now. Today between class she left Ellen's side just to keep watch over me. That left Ellen In a bad mood though.

We only just met yesterday and she didn't change her position in her seat for the past 2 classes. I suppose even though she seems kind of strange, she is actually a well mannered and warm hearted person.

Which is a huge contrast to Ellen's personality. She doesn't seem to really care about anything happening around her if it's not something related to her. I learned from experience however, in the hard way, not to judge a book by its cover. Especially if I know them for only a couple of days. She is possibly just as Viola said: "Too energetic for her own good."

I sigh and close my eyes. Images of past ridicule and panic filled situations fill my mind. I had recentely just fixed it all. Is it all going to fall and crash again?


The boring lessons finally ended and we received our well deserved lunch break. I tried my best to avoid my newly found friends by avoiding the cafeteria. Instead, I went out to the field and sat below a small Oak Tree, which was a bit of out of sight from the entrance.

I admit, being all alone like this was saddening and lonely. I can't however face them with my issues yet. They wouldn't take my feelings in consideration, and it's a lot easier to explain my wierd behaviour as lack of sleep or something else.

I took out my lunch box and bit into the red apple as I looked into space. It didn't take long for me to focus on something else though.

Aya was chatting with a group of boys up by the entrance, giggling and clearly enjoying herself. I can see even from here how every guy was staring at her with admiration. It doesn't surprise me. She is super pretty and charismatic.

It looked like she was mostly talking to one guy though. A handsome boy with short, curly blond hair. His eyes were very pretty too.

After a minute of more chit chat, she picked up her back and said goodbye to everyone. The boys went back to the field and continued enthusiastically talking to each other.

I realised a second to late that Aya had caught sight of me. I had my guard down and there was no way to hide from her now.

"Ib! Thank god I found you! Everyone is looking for you, you know? Viola was worried sick about you and we all thought you went back home because of your strange behavior. I'm so happy you are fine."

She smiled down at me and sat down carefully next to me on the grass.

"Anyway, why are you here? You really look like something is bothering you."

Aya till now seems to always have caught me in my weakest moments. It's like she knows everything about me already. I don't know if I can trust her though... and it would be unfair to the others if I only tell her about this.

I sighed. I guess I can say some truth.

" As I told Viola and a few of my classmates already , I'm completely fine. I just suddenly remembered some things and that turned my mood a bit sour. I'm sorry if I worried you guys."

Her smile wavered just a bit and her eyes had a tinge of sympathy in them as she listened. Then she looked away in silence. We stayed like this for a while and I honestly had no idea what to do.

I was about to speak up again when the silence was broken by something else. Aya's singing.

Out of nowhere, she started to silently sing to herself, loud enough for me to hear it.

It was a beautiful melody. It contained no lyrics and it had need no need for them. It was a calming simple tune that contained all her emotions.

She abruptly stopped and turned away once she saw a couple of students walking down along where we sat. She turned back to me with a sad facial expression. Till now I didn't see anything but a happy smile or face, so I was fairly surprised.

"I used to love singing with my mom long time ago." She suddenly whispered, looking down at her feet." She was beautiful and her voice mirrored her beauty perfectly. I always wanted to be like her. We always sang together."

She looked back at me again. This time she actually looked like she was going to cry.

"She died a few years ago because of poor health. Before that I used to sing in front of everyone happily and proudly. However now I can barely sing without feeling like I shouldn't be doing so if she isn't there watching, cheering for me.

"I'm sorry if I sound rude here, but why are you telling me this? We don't know eachother that well..." I asked while playing with the small flowers beside me gently.

She laughed lightly. " I'm not actually sure of that myself. I feel like we have a lot in common, including this matter about a loved one." I shifted uncomfortable in my seat as I heard her reply.

"However," she continued, "It's not as if we don't completely know eachother."

I nearly jumped. We met before this start of the year!?

"You don't mean to say that we - ."

And there rang the bell again, interrupting me rudely.

"Sorry Ib, I can't be a second late to my class." She stood up immediately, brushing off some loose grass from her skirt. " Let's continue this conversation next time. Also, please do decide to sit with all of us tomorrow during break again. It wasn't the same without you."

She gave me one more pat on the head before she took her lunch box and left.

I sighed and put my things away as well, soon ready to go to my next class. After that one, I realised bitterly, I will go to my first art class in years.


And here is another one for you lovely people out there!

I recentely received messages from a couple of you guys and I can't honestly be happier about that! I'm so happy that people are enjoying this! Not to mention I received over a 100 views already, which might not seem like much but to me it's huge! XD I'm super motivated to keep this going thanks to you guys. ❤

Grammar is going to checked soon after I'm done with my finals, which start this week. From there on there should be faster updates!

Also don't worry guys, next chapter is going to be filled with lots of Garry! Be sure to look out for that!

Have a nice day ×o×

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