Chapter 4

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Weariness overtook me that night and I slept without any dinner. I barely managed to say a greeting to my parents when they came back from a meeting, or whatever they did.

I was glad when I woke up that it was already morning. I slept without a single memory coming up in my dreams. Hopefully I will be this lucky today too.


I did my daily routine like usual, only showing weakness when I nearly burned myself at the frying pan and nearly dropped the plate at the table. I wasn't clumsy and never broke anything since I was 4. If you don't count breaking murderous art pieces as self defense.

I left way earlier than usual and just gave my mother a quick peck before rushing out the door. If I arrive earlier to school they might make an exception and let me drop the subject.
I entered the main street after a few meters, which turned out to be a big mistake.

I stumbled and brushed past the enormous crowd heading to the nearby bus station. I thought this short cut would cut me some time, but I completely forgot about the rush hour. I'm already messing everything up.

I shake the negative thoughts away and continue pushing myself through the thick mess of people. Apparently however, the bus was going to arrive in a minute which resulted in people running and pushing violently.

In fact, a huge man completely pushed me aside and made me fall down to the grey pavement head first. People were too busy or just ignored me as I sat there, trying to bite down the pain along my knee and arm.

I tried standing up by myself when I locked up to see a hand outstretched to me. I gladly accepted the offer of help and slowly stood up and brushed some dust off my skirt. I picked up my bag from the ground and turned to thank my kind saviour.

Only to find the face of the saviour I looked for since that day. It was him,
No doubt about it.

His hair was still violet and they were still some darker strands of hair going down in a mess. Now that I think about it, the strands made his head look like an upside turned rose .He had the same kind, calming smile on his face and the same eyes. He might just be a bit taller then a few years ago, and he is wearing more professional clothes, but I'm certain it's Garry.

I nearly broke into tears right then and there, while he still held his hand out to me. He obviously noticed my sudden change in emotion and nearly jumped back in surprise.

"E-excuse me little miss, I didn't mean to scare you." He stumbled on the word once he saw the water in my eyes. His awkwardness didn't leave either. I'm glad it didn't.

"No don't worry sir," I shook my head frantically and composed myself, "I'm fine, thank you very much." I took the outstretched hand this time and I couldn't help smiling as I did so. He smiled back in mild confusion.

His expression suddenly changed as he picked up his own leather bag from the side of a wall. "From your uniform, I can guess you are attending the school nearby?"

"Yes, I'm attending my last year there. Um, may I ask if your name is by any chance Garry?" I couldn't hold the question back. I had to know, even if I sounded rude or creepy.

His eyes widened at the name, then his face broke into an amused grin. "That used to be my nickname for my close friends or family members," He said through a slight chuckle,"I wonder how a young lady like you knows it. Did we meet before?"

So he doesn't remember. It was obvious from the way we parted ways, but I still held hope that he would remember me somehow. Even after 6 years however, there is no such acknowledgement in his eyes.

At least I know he is doing well and is happy. That's what it's important. Yet, my heart can't let this go.

"Maybe. Possibly when I was a child."

He laughed full heartly."I don't want to sound rude, but you still technically are a child."

He was going to say something else till his phone rang. He frantically took it out and glanced at it. He instantly turned pale once he unlocked his screen.

"Oh god no. I can't be late again! We need to hurry before it's too late." He stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

In one hand he held the leather strap of his luggage. In the other hand he suddenly caught my wrist and had a firm grip on it. He ran and dragged me along the streets without looking back. He just occasionally glanced my way.

I was caught off guard and was completely flustered. People around us turned to us and exchanged confused glances. This must look ridiculous. Right now though, this wasn't of my concern.

I finally managed to ask after we started slowing down just a tiny bit. "E-excuse me but where are we running to?!"

He looked dumbfounded for a second. "Ib, are you telling me you planned to arrive late to school?" My eyes went wide as he said my name unconsciously. He said it without him having asked me about it. Garry said it as if it was completely natural for hin. Does that mean there is a chance for him to remember?

"Well I don't have to teach for the first hour today, but I can't let one of the students get in trouble on my behalf."

Teaching? There is no way he is -

"Just out of curiosity little miss, in what section are you in?"

"Oh. I'm in, ah, section B." All the new information was still swirling around and just puzzling me more."

"That's great! I look forward to seeing you in my classes. Be aware ,however, that I won't go easy on you just because you are new and had a little friendly discussion with me. So be prepared!"

We were already nearing the school gates and had arrived just on time. Students were running past us to get to their class on time, and others clearly didn't care for the class. I could see another teacher waving to us from the main entrance.

Garry waved back and once he did so, he noticed that his other hand was still intertwined with mine. He blushed nearly unnoticeably, and removed it casually. I tried best in turn to hide my reddened cheeks. I suppose I didn't notice since it was completely normal to hold his hand back then.

Once he fixed his jacket and blouse he turned to me with a soft smile.

"Well little miss, I will have to take my leave now. Make sure to bring some sharpened pencils and a blog for the art class today. Goodbye for now."

He did exactly what he said and walked to the teacher to start an apparent discussion. It didn't take long till they weren't in sight anymore.

I just stood there dumbfounded till the final bell rang. I sighed and walked grimly to my class. Hopefully the french teacher will give me some pity.

I felt like crying and laughing at the same time. I both thanked god for granting my long awaited wish and cursed the irony of the situation he put me in. I had no idea how I was going to leave with a sane mind and body after this.

New chapter is out! Yay! Didn't take that long for me this time did it? Hopefully I can keep this up. XDD

I didn't check this completely, so don't curse me to eternity just yet for my horrible grammar. :P

Anyway, make sure to vote and tell me your opinion about this story! It really helps me keep this going. For now however, have a splendid day!


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