Chapter 2

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HERE IS A ANOTHER PART GUYS! ^.^ I'm sorry for the wait but my finals actually just ended and I did pretty well and all! So I thought, why not celebrate it with a chappie? :3 (or a part at least, since it was part of chapter 2 before) It's tiny but I hope someone out there will still be happy to see it. <3

PS: I didn't actually proof read this yet... so don't murder me for the spelling and such, kay? XDD


The first few classes ended faster than expected, since half of the lesson was wasted with basic introduction and stories about our holidays.

I was about to stand up and get my lunch out my bag when something leaped in front of me and Viola.

"BUH!" Ellen screamed right in my face darkly and loudly with a creepy face. Viola next to me nearly jumped out of her seat and banged her knee on the desk.

"What was that for?" Viola complained, holding her knee with a frown.

"You don't get scared easily mhm?" Ellen asked me, completely ignoring Viola.

"I wouldn't say that..." I mumbled uncomfortably.

"Viola jumps at ANYTHING that suddenly moves! It gets boring fast, " Ellen looked at Viola disappointingly and tsked, then turned to me. "I might just have a worthy victim now though!"

"I don't like creepy and scary stuff like you Ellen, so don't blame me." Viola protested, her feelings seemingly hurt. "Don't say such things to Ib anyway, you are making her uncomfortable."

"So, you want to eat lunch with us?" Ellen asked me, once again ignoring Viola to which she frowned. I really don't get their relationship at all. Are they friends or rivals?

"I would love to."

"Alright lets go then!" Ellen announced as she took a huge bite out of her hamburger and ran outside the classroom.

"She never waits," Viola sighed, "she is way too energetic for her own good."

"I bet it's always fun and exciting being around her." I presumed as I walked with Viola along the corridor towards the cafeteria.

"It sure is, but if she could just calm down for 5 minutes then Aya and I could actually have a normal conversation for once."

"Aya?" I asked. For some reason the name sounded very familiar.

"Ah sorry Ib, she is in our grade but in the other corridor. She became our friend last year when we three were all in the same class." Viola explained "She is very kind and sweet, I'm sure you are going to get along well ."

I nodded, still racking my brain on how I could know this girl named Aya. Her name was very familiar, but I'm sure I never knew anyone closely with a name like that. Was she one of my bullies? Viola said she was kind and sweet through. I shook all those thoughts away as we entered the thickly crowded dining hall.

Kids close to our ages were all sitting in groups talking and laughing loudly. There doesn't seem to be a single table that wasn't already occupied. There was a huge line for food and overall the whole place was fairly crowded.

I looked around in every direction till I caught Ellen's bright purple hair in my field of vision. Viola, in the mean time, was busy drolling over the cupcakes shown in the kiosk. The lady at the counter didn't look very pleased as others tried to push past Viola standing in front of the line. I smiled in amusement and nearly dragged Viola with me to the half empty table in the far end of the hall. It wasn't as loud here, since we were sitting very close to where the teachers table was located.

"Took you guys long enough!" Ellen pouted while taking a huge bite off her sandwich as we approached.

"We got held back a bit, I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Viola probably got distracted again, didn't she?" asked a girl with jet black, short hair next to Ellen. That must be Aya.

"Will you ever get rid of that stupid habit? Ellen grumbled between her bites and chewing.

"It's not as easily said than done and you know it! Especially when they are freshly baked, chocolate muffins ." Viola sits down opposite to Ellen and gestures for me to sit next to her. "Anyway Ib, This is Aya the last one in our tiny group."

Aya cutely waved to me as she greeted me. "Nice meeting you. Your name is Ib right? Ellie seems to have taken quite a liking to you."

"Well it's not like I am anything special."

Aya stared at me for a bit, then giggled. "Well we only just met, I'm sure you have something unique and wonderful about you."

I wouldn't say so. If anything , its something shameful.

We all ate together and talked about our favorite things to eat, favorite songs listen to and other such things. It was a very general, easy conversation and we laughed a lot at Ellen's silly answers. It's fun gathering around like this. The loud bell indicating the end of lunch rang after we all finished our meals.

"Damit! We have physics now. Uuurrggg, " Ellen banged her head several times on the table.

"It's not that bad, the teacher is at least good looking " Aya said calmly with a joyful smile while the cafeteria emptied itself. Viola just stared at her weirdly then face-palmed.

While Ellen continued to complain as we stood up, I noticed something flash across the hall. Violet hair...? There is no way that he is here. But anyway, who would dye their hair that color in school? That will just cause you a bad image. Not to mention the regulations here forbid it. Although, he might just not give a damn, like Ellen does.

"Ib are you coming? It might be the first day but if we skip class we will still get in trouble." Viola waved and loudly called over to me from the exist.

I scolded myself for wasting time. I walked back to them to walk to class, barely arriving on time.

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