Chapter 3

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In all classes, we barely had time to start the actual material once the introductions were done. That way time passed fairly quickly and before I knew it, school ended.

I packed away my English books while Viola desperately tried to wake up Ellen in any way possible. It was amusing to watch her pinch her cheeks, which resulted in creating derpy Ellen faces. I wonder if we will get close like that soon as well.

Once I was done cleaning my desk, I lifted the red bag over my shoulders and gave Viola a wave with a smile as she started taking a black marker out. She glanced at me blankly and waved back, then continued to carefully approach Ellen. It's pretty obvious what she was going to do with the marker. I giggled to the thought unconsciously.

It took a bit to weave through the crowd of people but once I was out I immediately headed home. I was already by the gate when I noticed Aya casually talking to a group of teenagers around our ages. I stopped and absorbed the situation. Should I approach her or should I leave?

The question was answered by itself as she catches my presence and excuses herself from the group. She walks in a steady speed towards me.

"Hello Ib, are you going home already?" She asks while repositioning her own blue bag on her shoulder.

"Um yes, I don't have any particular things to do currently so I will just walk home." I murmered. I was still a bit uncomfortable with Aya. She is very friendly and pretty, but there was something about her that I just couldn't identify as something good or bad.

"Your house is in a walking distance away? Mine too! We can walk around a bit together if you want, maybe our houses are close to each other."

I simply nodded to the suggestion, to which she gave a small smile. We continue beyond the gates and while walking, talked about the day.

Our houses were in fact just a few blocks away from each other. Aya pretty much lived right next to the park close to my house. It's filled with cherry trees and beautiful flowers apparently , which she often visits with her parents for a picnic. It sounds like a beautiful place. Maybe I could take my parents there too.

"Speaking of my parents, you probably didn't know that your Biology teacher is , in fact,  my father."

"He is? He looked to me more like a surgeon when he entered the class in his lab coat with all those utensils. I am surprised your father is like that."

It didn't really surprise me actually. They have the same strange aura surrounding them. I wouldn't be surprised if she became a doctor, with her father as an idol like that.

"Ah yes. He loves practical work more than reading definitions from books and such. I completely agree with him. It makes the class more enjoyable and you learn so much more that way." She spoke in a tone full of admiration and respect. She must really love her dad.

"I didn't see much of that today, he was busy scolding Ellen about her hair.Is it true her hair is naturally that color? She insisted it was."

"Yes. I was fairly surprised too once she told me. It is the truth truth though. I was sure the rarest colored hair till now was red. Although, purple doesn't seem to be that uncommon of a physical trait . We have another person in the school with purple hair."My interest was immediately gripped.

That means the guy I saw in the cafeteria was probably the other person. Or was it a girl? The person looked to be a bit too tall to be a girl. In fact, it didn't seem like he was wearing a uniform either...

I suddenly realised the awkward silence between us as I was caught up in my own thoughts and immediately regained my composure.

"I - I'm really sorry. Did you say anything else?" I asked, embarrassed.

She simply smiled back in answer, reassuring me. "Oh no don't worry. I was just going to ask on which day you have Art class."

For a split second I stopped moving all together and nearly screamed at myself for being unbelievably stupid. I completely forgot about that issue. I was supposed to ask to cancel it from my schedule and possible replace it with community work. You have to do so a day before, otherwise you have to attend the class if it's on the same day.

I stiffened up even more with my reply. " I have it tomorrow. Last period."

She didn't seem to notice my sudden change in attitude at all as she continued speaking.

"There are two different art teachers at school. One of them is, if I may say so, extremely handsome and young. Probably not much older than us. He also has purple hair, although it's a bit pale, violet I guess. If you are lucky you might get him as your teacher. I sadly ended up with the other one but I can't really complain since they are both good at their job..."

We were very close to my house now, which was closer to the school than Aya's. I barely listened to what she was saying at this point. I was too busy trying to come with any excuse to not come tomorrow, or possible leave early.

I barely panic in any situation. I'm always calm and collected. Or at least it seems so with the usual unemotional expression on my face. I was always told that I looked as if nothing could faze me. That isn't true.

A good example is the current situation. I was panicking, gripping my right arm tightly with my left hand.

I avoided looking Aya in the face till we arrived to my doorstep. My emotions are probably still hard to read but I would not want to risk it. Thankfully, she didn't seem to have noticed anything anyway, even with me avoiding her.

"See you tomorrow Ib. Don't forget to come to the same table like today for lunch. I'm bringing cookies for us to share together tomorrow."

"Don't worry I won't. Have a nice day Aya." I waved and gave a forced smile. Aya returned it and walked away.

I breathed out a long sigh as I turned and unlocked the door. Once I was inside, I took off my shoes and placed my bag close to my the door. I looked around the living room and the kitchen. No one was anywhere in sight. Mom and dad probably went out again.

Usually I would be a bit sad. We don't spend as much time outside as we used to. We barely go on any trips anymore. Today however, I welcomed isolation as I went up the stairs to open the red wooden door of my bedroom.

I don't bother taking off my uniform. I stumble to my bed and flop unto it my back. I cover my eyes with my arm as I think of the error that might ruin everything again.

How am I going to possible enter a classroom, filled with hand drawn portraits and paintings, without going insane? Without having the urge to burn them?

Anndddddddd here is the next part! Yay! I was kinda disappointed with the last chappie part. It looks like only my friends read this book XD. So I was actually thinking on giving up on this. But as you see, my dear friend, I am still here and still typing and writing! 'Cause it's fun and helps me relax XD.

Updates are going to be random, so it might take a while but it doesn't mean it's dead. It just means I'm busy with exams and reading manga. (I recently just finished my collection of a manga series❤)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. (Even if it's one of my buddies reading this right now.) XD I wrote this in an hour straight so they are probably some stupid mistakes and wierd language and such. Just tell me and I will edit them.

Have an awesome day. *sparkles*

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