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Name: Chamomile Y/N
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Gender: Female
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Pronouns: she/her and they/them
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Species: Fae (Little side note Y/N has Fairy wings)
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Height: 150CM or 4 feet and 11 inches or 5 and 4  inches

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Likes: Tea, Animals, bugs, flowers, reading, shiny stuff, sleep and ballet.
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Dislikes: People who are Egoistcal, rude people, loud sound.
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Familiar (Pet): A raccoon named spoon.
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Aesthetic: Fairy grunge, Dullcore, coquette.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺Aesthetic: Fairy grunge, Dullcore, coquette

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Painting is Ophelia and it was painted by Victor Müller.

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Love Interests:
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Some abbreviations

(Y/N) = Your name
(N/N) = Nickname
(H/C) = Hair color
(H/L) = Hair length
(S/T) = Skin tone
(S/C) = Skin color
(F/F) = Fav food
(F/D) = Fav drink
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Theme songs/playlist

Pain by PinkPatherss

rises the moon by Liana Flores

I was all over her by salvia path

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Author notes:
This is my first story and I hope you will enjoy it. There probably might be some spelling errors so sorry in advance. I do have one rule.
Do not be mean in the comments section.
Word count: 184
Made on 1/30/22

Thank you for reading 

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