A Few Days Later

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Jeremy and Elena are now originals. Elena had an idea. " Lift the cloaking spell. - it's not like they can kill us now." Elena spoke. "That's true. - we can fight
them and win." Jeremy agreed with his sister. " But the whole point was for you to escape them and never return. - what if they come and you go?" Elijah asks. " We wouldn't. - we have found the love of our lives here. - I would never leave Kol." Elena spoke. " And I would never leave Rebekah." Jeremy said. " That great to hear. - but they will have a way of convincing you both." Hayley spoke. " Not this time." Elena said. " I would like to see them try." Jeremy said. " Actually I would pay to see that." Klaus smirked. " We have to give them the benefit of doubt. - and trust them." Cami spoke. " I agree." Kol said pulling Elena into him. " As do I." Rebekah said as Jeremy pulled Rebekah into him. " I agree." Klaus spoke Finn and Davina agreed as well. " So that's sorted." Klaus spoke.

Mystic Falls

Bonnie was trying to locate Jeremy and Elena again. "found them." Bonnie said after a few moments. " Where?" Caroline asks. " New Orleans." Bonnie said. " With the originals?" Stefan asks. Bonnie gave a nod. " That's why Klaus wouldn't help. - it all makes sense now." Caroline said. " They have turned the originals against us. - that's why Klaus didn't call me love. - like he always does." Caroline said. " Or it could be that he is with someone. - I don't see Elena and Jeremy being friends with them. - no matter what." Stefan said. " I have to agree with Stefan here. - we did try and kill them multiple times. - Elena and Jeremy would be scared of them." Damon said. " Then why isn't Klaus obsessed with me?" Caroline asks. " We don't know. - all I know is we have to go and get them back." Bonnie said. But what they didn't know was Alaric was listening in on their conversation. And he had texted Elena that they were going to New Orleans. And that he will be there in the next few hours.

The next day

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The next day.

Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan and Damon were in New Orleans. Cami saw strangers. But she wasn't sure if they were them. So she took a picture of them. And sent it to Klaus. Who in return told her that they are them. Cami who is human was scared. She didn't want to confront them. Elijah was near by. " We need to get out of here fast." Elijah whispered. But he was heard. Damon Stefan Caroline and Bonnie was in front of them in a few seconds. Elijah stood in front of Cami. " What do we owe the pleasure?" Elijah asks. " We are looking for Jeremy and Elena." Bonnie said confidentiality. " Why?" Cami asks behind Elijah. " To bring them home with us." Caroline glared at Cami. " Why? - they are happy here. - it's seems a lot happier than in Mystic Falls." Cami was ignoring the way Caroline was looking at her. " So you know them?" Stefan asks. " They are here. - yes. - I'll bring you to them. - just leave Cami alone." Elijah said. " And if we don't?" Caroline asks. " Then I will kill you myself Caroline." Klaus said. Caroline's eyes widened. " You wouldn't do that to me. - your obsessed with me." Caroline smirked. "Was obsessed." It was Klaus's turn to smirk. "Come on then." Klaus said.

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