.chapter3. (7.5%)

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| recap Excalibur's mom's ex-best friend's story and on how the academy started. Following that, we meet the some new characters, Mrs Laurel (head of the academy) and Arthur (head of the guards). Also, I mention the Alpha who is in charge of the security of the academy and his name is Alpha Kai if you had forgotten. Other than those, we also meet Beta Zedekiah who has a big mouth and Alpha Malachi (YAY HIS NAME) promising that he wouldn't harm her family. |

Rule number one: no leaving without permission.

Rule number two: no disrespecting your superiors and that includes the teachers and the guards. Anyone who isn't a student in the academy is superior than you. Longer students and high achieving students outrank newer students and troublemakers.

Rule number three: no cursing or inappropriate behaviours such as flirting with guards or academy staff. It doesn't matter if it's a girl or a guy.

Rule number four: no shifting inside the walls of the academy.

Rule number five: make it to class on time. Punishment will be shifting restrain for two weeks and any damage caused during the time period will be given severe punishments that will be decided by the head of the academy unless said otherwise by other Alphas.

Rule number six: cheating or lying your way out will result in permanent heavy labour for your whole life.

Rule number seven: no letting unauthorized personals into the building or sounding the rebel alarm for no reason.

Rule number eight: if you're caught possessing a knife or sharp objects, more severe punishments if it's silver, drugs, or any items with relation to the rebels, your punishment will be decided by the Council of the Alphas.

Rule number nine: no one is allowed in your room unless they hold special permission given by the head of the academy.

Rule number ten: no making alliances with other Lunas or staff members.

Any additional rules can be added by the head of the academy with the permission of the Council of the Alphas.

Today, I'm going to break rule number five because who the hell wakes up at 5am only having a measly 6 hours of sleep just to attend stupid classes that only ends at 9 pm? Perhaps, this might just be the most daring thing I've done in my whole life.

The punishment isn't that hard either as it it simply being restrained from shifting which is something I'm used to so it wouldn't affect me much. Maybe I shouldn't do it? I think I should be asking, "Why not?" instead.

And so I did sleep in. I guess being sleepy affects your thinking as I didn't carefully think the whole thing out thoroughly. What type of punishment can they sentence of just being late in class? Well, I should've take in the fact that the academy doesn't play by its rules.

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current status: 10% (7am)

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I barely registered the loud bang that shook the whole room.

I reluctantly lifted my heavy head to look at the door or what was once my door. Instead of finding my door hanging on the door frame, I found a red-faced women who had a death grip on the knob of the broken door.

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