.chapter30. (34%)

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| recap Alpha Malachi finds a syringe filled with silver and questions her about it. Then later on, he locks her up in a room and Michelle kissed him in front of Excalibur, not knowing she was watching. She loses her mind and they drugged her to calm her down |

current status: 34%

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As soon as I gain conscious, I opened my eyes as fast as I could.

I thought I would never be able to escape the darkness or that my eyes were open but I couldn't see. I kept them open even though the light burned and hurt them because the thought of being in the dark any longer was impossible for me to do.

I wanted to get out of the bed but I found my wrists and ankles restrained by metal cuffs connected to the bed. I tried to break out of them by jerking them but it didn't budge and dug into my skin. I jerk both my left wrist and ankle together and leaned towards my right.

I still wasn't able to break them but I was able to topple the whole freaking bed over, ripping out the connecting tubes in the process. Blood trailed down my arm as I had forcefully ripped the tubes out and the heart beat monitor played its flat melody.

It wasn't long before the door burst open and the hurried footsteps faltered. I wasn't able to see who it was as I couldn't crane my head. If only I wasn't cuffed to a freaking bed like a criminal, I probably wouldn't have done this.

I heard a sharp intake of breath. "What the heck happened here?"

"This is what happens when you cuff me to a freaking bed!" I answered back, trying to slide my wrists out.

I heard footsteps and I stop trying to break free. I waited for something, preferably a slap or something because of the mess I've caused, even yelling or anything. I needed a distraction, another source of pain to erase the tugs I feel at my heart.

"Go ahead, punish me," I said, pretending not to sound hurt.

"I'm not into that kind of kinky stuff," a familiar gruff voice said, after a clicking sound. "If you had said something along the lines of, 'I'm awake!' or do something to inform someone, and not pull out the connecting tubes, especially the one connecting to the heart beat monitor, you would've been released too. Only the room wouldn't be in such a mess."

"Why?" I questioned, sliding my free wrists and ankles out of the cuffs and sat on the floor. "Did I give you a scare?"

He glared at me and stood up, getting up from his crouched position. He slipped the keys into his pocket and shoved his hands right after. "No, I just thought-"

"Admit it," I cut him off, looking at him in the eye. "You were afraid."

He slapped my accusing finger away from his chest, crossing his arms over his chest to protect them from me. "Fine. I thought you had died but it doesn't matter now. I should've known you don't die easily and when I think you do, it's always a trick."

I clenched my jaw to stop myself from showing him that I had been affected by his words. Why was I even talking to him? I shook my head, slapping myself to snap out of the trance I was in. I wasn't going to let him control my emotions again.

"I'm not here to accuse you," he said, breaking the silence. "Why didn't you tell me you have insomnia and nightmares?"

I scoffed, looking out the window not looking at him, knowing that it would affect the little control I have on my emotions. "I didn't cover up the effects of not having enough sleep on the day of your wedding. You had thought I was playing with you so it's your fault. Oh, congrats on your marriage."

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