To The Front

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Running as fast as you can, opening doors from each car. You sense that going to the roof of the train might make your travel quicker. So with that thought in mind, you open a window, grab its sides and propel yourself up and onto the roof. You steady yourself before standing up, ready to sprint forward.

But instead of feeling the surge of the cold wind what greets you were huge chunks of chopped metal, flying in your direction.

You yelp, immediately crouching just in time as you felt it pass over you. What was that? You thought, almost getting knocked over by those large metal.


You heard someone just in front of you, "Tan-nii!" Tanjiro heard your call, turning his head on you with a panic look on his face.

"(Y/n), are you alright?! The metal didn't hit you, right?"

You shake your head, "No, I ducked just in time!"

Tanjiro sighed in relief, "Inosuke, needs to warn us first before cutting something, especially on a running train." He said, looking in front at the spot Inosuke cut. It was now wide open with a conductor inside along with Inosuke, who's currently fighting multiple hand-like limbs of the demon.

Getting up from your position, you and Tanjiro immediately sensed the urgency and assisted Inosuke. Tanjiro who's infront used the 6th form water breathing technique to quickly slash the demon arms. With few left, you finished the job with a simple yet clean slash of your blade.

"Are you alright, Inosuke-kun?!" Quickly recovering from the attack, you asked your friend for any major injury.

With a snarl, he replied, "You didn't save me, okay?! I was fine! Not like I needed your help or anything." Inosuke trailed off, his pride too big to say a simple thank you or simply doesn't know how to show gratitude. Either way, you understood him regardless.

"Right!" You nod at him before looking at Tanjiro. His face down, staring directly to the floor, "The demon's neck is directly below!" Tanjiro informed, turning to look at you and Inosuke.

"Ya! Shut up! I'm the boss! Don't give me orders!" Inosuke didn't hesitate to lunge up and build momentum so he can slash the metal floor easily with his twin swords.

You closed and covered your eyes with your sleeves to protect them from any rubbles or scraps of metal. But the moment you opened them, huge bones and flesh meet your view. 'Neckbones... So this is his weakness.' Raising your sword, you tried to end the demon but before your blade made contact with the bones, fleshy hands completely blocked your attack.

The fleshy hands expanded to a bowl-like form, hastily regenerating for any injury it sustained. The three of you along with the conductor immediately got off the floor and into the roof. You were with Inosuke while Tanjiro was with the conductor he evacuated.

"It's... regenerating and covering the bones with its flesh." You examine the demon's behavior before hearing Tanjiro's calls.

"(Y/n)! Inosuke! The two of you can slash the flesh while I try to cut its bones, ok?!"

Inosuke liked Tanjiro's plan and agreed with you. "Got it!" You nod, holding the grip of your sword tight.

"Let's go!" Tanjiro yelled, as the tree of you charged at the demon's weak spot. However, before getting close to it, a bunch of limbs with eyes attached to each end emerged from below. One of the eyes, stared directly at you, boring an intense and intimidating gaze.

"Absolute Unconscious Slumber, Oculus."

"What is-"

"(Y/n)! Inosuke!" Tanjiro's loud voice cut you off, "Cut off your head in the dream! You'll wake up!" He yelled desperately before being forced to sleep by the spell of the Demon Art.

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