Chapter Seven

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-Justin's P.O.V.-

"So, we'll have the money by next week and-" Flash's speech was interrupted by my lady's sexual calls of my name.

I groan as her sexy little body trailed down the wooden stairs. She had a little bit of chubbiness, but the boys didn't seem to think anything of it. I still haven't told them that Acacia was pregnant and honestly, I was nervous on how they would take the news. This would effect our business tremendously and I am not ready to lose our trust just yet.

Giggling Acacia climbed into my lap, a black lace dress that caught my attention. It was way too short and her lacy underwear was fully exposed to my gangs horny eyes. I wanted to whoop her cute ass for interrupting another meeting and showing her ass, but besides the fact that her sexiness is turning me on, her punishment will have to wait for another day.

Her sweet lips trailed down my neck as I tried to listen to the rest of Flash's speech. Biting down on my lip to prevent me from moaning was difficult to do. I wanted to fuck her till she couldn't move. But work comes first right now and she'll just have to wait.

As he kept talking, I was drowning into Acacia's sexual ways. I felt my shaft get stiff. I can't get a boner in front of the guys. It'll make me look bad. I sternly hit her thigh, a whimper escaping her lips as she looks up at me. I gave her a warning look, telling her to stop. She obeyed orders and stayed still in my lap. I tried to carry on where I spaced out in Flash's speech, but my penis had other plans.

"We're going to have to call this meeting short." I blurted out as I stand up. 

Acacia hopped out of my lap, looking frightened by my actions.

"Why?" Flash asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Because, I have business," I looked sternly over at Acacia," to take care of." 

Lust filled her orbs as we raced up the stairs. I close the bedroom door behind me as I pushed her body up against the wall.

I curl my fingers inside her, making her moan in sweet little sympathies. 

"Moan for me, baby." I growl with dominance clear in my tone. She instantly did as I commanded, moaning a few more times.

I was already hard because of how sexy Acacia is looking, but she knows how to push me beyond my limits.

Over the course of two weeks, I have gotten more sex then I would've ever thought I would receive from Acacia this early on in our relationship. Was it the hormones? Yeah, but I was going to appreciate it every moment I got. Lord knows what she's going to be like when she finally pops out our kid.

I lay beside her naked body. Her stomach got a little more defined in shape, but she still didn't seem totally pregnant yet. Either way, she would still be gorgeous in my eyes.

"Justin?" She mumbled, her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her soft golden brown hair. 


"Are you excited for our baby?" She muttered, her hazel eyes gazing into mine.

I was a bit shocked she asked this question. I know I shouldn't be. Obviously, I am going to love our child. What she doesn't know is that I got her pregnant to satisfy her. I'd do anything to see that wonderful smile of hers. It's beyond gorgeous. But I never really thought of the responsibilities of being a father. I never saw myself being one. The news just never sank into my skin deep enough.

"I..I.." I stammered, not knowing what to say. 

She gasped. I knew what was coming and I knew it wouldn't be pretty.

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