Chapter Twenty One

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-Jason's P.O.V.-
"Oh... fuck." I mumbled as I was staring at the gun.

Alan grinned as I did not really think this through. Everyone gasped once they caught on to what is happening. The whole party turned silent. This is what I get for running my mouth and taking advantage of people.

"I think you may want to take a seat, McCann." Alan smiled devilishly.

I followed his orders and took a seat back in my chair. I kept any emotions I was feeling below bay. When you live this life, you have to learn to hide everything or it will cost you. I have built my reputation on being emotionless and being a punk who takes people's money. Now, the tables have turned. I always thought it would catch up to me eventually, but not at this exact moment. I was not planning on being tonight's entertainment.

Alan took a seat across from me, keeping a deadly glare on me. I kept a poker face on so he couldn't read me like he was attempting to do.

"Did you think karma was never going to catch up to you, Jason?" Alan asked rhetorically.

I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you making a scene here, Alan? Had to prove that you're the bigger man by trying to interrogate me in front of a crowd?"

Alan slammed his hands on the poker table, the pistol still in his right hand. His face was getting closer to mine as I grin.

"Don't you push me. I'll have three bullets straight to your head."

"Just to prove I'm right?" I raised an eyebrow as I folded my arms against my chest, "be my guest. If having me dead proves I'm correct about all of this then go ahead," I level my face with his as our noses are just centimeters apart, "I love to be right even if it cost me my life."

We had a stare battle. Venom ran through our irises as we were trying to figure out each others next move. Any moment he could pull up the gun and kill me off, but we both know he would not want my murder on his hands. The police would rather me have locked up for life than being killed. So killing me will get him time behind bars instead.

"Very well," Alan sighed, "have it your way. But trust me, McCann. You will pay. Until the day I take my very last breath, I'll make sure I'll take back what's mine." He hissed before walking away with his crew.

That's when I pulled out my gun from my pocket and aimed it at Alan's head.

"Hey, Alan." I called out.

He turned back to face me, his eyes bulging out his skull once he saw my handgun. He quickly tried to pull his back out, but it was far too late. My index finger pulled the trigger and a bullet swam through the air.

Blood gushed out of Alan's head as he fell to the red carpet, a bullet wound in between his eyes. I move through the crowd to catch his final moments of life. I bend down to his level and grin.

"I always get my way. Remember that." I pulled out his wallet and took out the cash he owed me.

"I'll be taking this." I stuffed his wallet into my pocket as his eyes shut and his breaths were final.

Anarchy started as I walked out of the building, whistling a tune I thought to myself.

"Have a good time, sir?" My limo driver ask when I enter the vehicle.

"Yes, a wonderful time."

"Selena," I call as I set my jacket on the sofa along with my tie, "I'm home."

I expected to her run downstairs in joy because I was home, but she made no sound. Concerned, I traveled up the stairs and into my bedroom. She was sitting on the floor next to the bathroom, in the dark, her knees up to her chin, and a blank stare upon her face. It was like she was in a trans.

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