Chapter Twenty Eight

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-Selena's P.O.V.-

I watched as Kayla walked out the door. I know I should've chased after her. It would've been the logical thing to do considering Jason loves her. He'll just punish me for her disappearance. I need to find her, but I don't want to. Now is my chance. If Kayla left on her own, it's no one's fault but herself.

I sneak back upstairs. I check on Sage, who was peacefully sleeping in his crib. I cracked a small smile and sneak back into Jason's room. He was fast asleep in our bed, not even noticing that I wasn't laying beside him. I let out a small sigh as my heartaches. Why can't I be good enough? I know I've done somethings in the past that weren't very classy of me, but dammit, Jason should love me. I deserve his love and affection. All he does is waste time on Kayla. He should waste his time on me.

Laying on my side of the bed, I wrap Jason's strong arm around me and nuzzled my face into his chest. I let a few tears slip from my devastated eyes.

"I wish you loved me, Jason." I whispered into his bare chest.

I woke up to the sound of smashing glass and yelling in frustration. Along with Sage's cries. My eyes shoot open. It was daylight.


I scramble to my feet and rushed out of our bedroom. I grabbed Sage from his crib, trying to calm him down. I hear more glass being shattered upon the hardwood floor and grumbles of curse words. Walking down the stairs with Sage in my arms, I see Jason search frantically around the house. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I hate seeing him so angry.

Jason walked back into the room, locking his eyes with mine. Fury was built in them.

"Where the fuck is she?" He spat.

"I-I d-don't k-know." I stammered as tears filled my eyes.


Sage started to cry at hearing his father yell.

"Don't make Sage cry!" I hiss, holding the baby close.

"Don't put this all on the baby, Selena."

"It's not my fault she's gone, Jason. Maybe she was sick of being your charity case!" I argued.

"I've never made her feel that way. Unlike you, I actually give a fuck about her! You drove her away!"


Jason glared at me before grabbing his car keys and heading straight towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked. He shot another glare at me.

"To get my girl back."

-Kayla's P.O.V.-

I woke up beside Alexander. My head still was fuzzy on how his name and face seemed familiar. I decided to pay it no need. He told me it was just my imagination and that we've never met before. He seemed so sweet. I felt safe around him. More safe than I did at Jason's. I was always worried about making him angry or Selena telling him lies about stuff I didn't even do.

Alexander was still asleep. His chest rose up and down as I laid my head on it. His breathing was calm within his deep slumber. I wanted to remember him. Believe me, I do. I can't possibly not know him. Not when he seems oddly familiar.

I let my mind wander of all the possibilities as I listened to Alexander's heartbeat. His eyes slowly open to look into mine. My face dropped when he had a disgust look in his eyes.

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