Chapter 6

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My systems boot online and I see I'm in the bunker back in my Pod. Kyo and Momo were there too passed out in chairs as they waited.

I run a diagnostic and see I have minimal damage to my chest armour, that can heal over time rather easily.

I open the Pod which woke them up and I catch both in human form as they cried into my chest worried.

"You idiot! Why did you take the punch?!" Kyoka asks.

#High velocity... Risk to intestinal tract... Death#

This had them stop crying and look at me before they got extremely calm and angry.

"He was going for my stomach?" I nod while pulling her closer. "Let's go tell Nezu, he burst through the door and attacked a random person who was pregnant"

I nod and after we ate I drove us to UA and headed directly to Nezu's office.

"Come in!"

We walk in with Momo standing guard with a ball ready to transform as we explained the situation and how much All Might messed up.

"Well I can understand the importance of the situation, I'll make sure to tell the Hero Commission, other than that my hands are tied"

Still pissed off we leave with one final message.

#We will not... Treat him... Like our teacher... No talent for the job#

A week passes before we could go back to school and in that time I became very protective of Kyoka to the point she was either laughing at the absurd things I did or ready to rage on me.

(I'm changing the timeline for the gestation now it only takes 3 weeks till the babies are moved to the sacks but the rest of the time is the same)

The 'birth' was painless luckily, being robotic we can turn off our pain receptors and we placed our child in the gestation sacks before going to school. It was a strange day, we heard about the Sport Festival in 2 weeks and chose our Hero Names. We decided to use our predecessors names in honour of all they gave us.

The two weeks went by rather quickly and the Sports Festival had the entire city in a hyped up state, when we got to the stadium we were going to I got a few war declarations sent at me by the class.

We walk in, wearing the sport uniform though we know that after we transform to human we'll be wearing our themed clothes.

"Now for a speech from the 1st year representative!" Midnight calls and I walk up to the podium.

Kyoka came with me to translate.

"Hello, sorry for the jarbled mess, I can't talk without a radio. I just want everyone to know that no matter who they are, what the look like or what their Quirk is, even if it is Mind Control, Nightmare inducing or even a death type Quirk, you can be a Hero. After all, the Quirks you seeing TV can just as easily be labelled Villainous, but as their wielders are Heroes, they are seen as Heroic, PLUS ULTRA!"

The stadium is silent for a.long time after we return to our places before shaking the stadium with the sheer intensity of the cheering.

"The first event today is an Obstacle Race! There are three obstacles as the students are to run around the stadium on the outside! Good luck and have fun sweating!" She licks her lips in a way that can be seen as seductive or intimidating.

Kyo and I transform to robot, standing at the back before the race begins.

We wait till everyone exits the tunnel before transforming into our Alt forms.

We roar through the tunnel and out of the other side to see one fallen 0-Pointer covered in ice and everyone else trying to destroy the 0-Pointers.

In the way we're a bunch of 1, 2 and 3 Point robots, I activate my Stinger Blade and get to work.

Pulling up to a 0-Pointer I begin climbing up and use my cannon to weaken the shell, this had the side effect of causing the robot behemoth to short circuit and fall backwards.

#You Die# I quote Optimus against Shockwave.

I return to car mode and kick it into third gear as I race back up to Kyoka, I see a huge pit up ahead and use one of Ironhide's moves.

(Last one)

I leap to the first of three platforms and use this to leap to the second, jumping on the third as Kyoka tightropes her way across. We keep going and come to the minefield where Izumi, Bakugo ad Todoroki were fighting it out for first place.

I use Stealth Mode and weave my wheels around the mines at a quick pace, often hopping around and doing a few acrobatic flips to make my way to the front. Once there I see the three behind me and toss a rock to set off the mine ahead of them.

Kyoka takes first and I second.

"Well done! Kyoka Arcee takes first place in the Obstacle Race with her hubby taking second! Such romance!"

We return to human form, welcoming the class who seem unsurprised we came first.

The second event is explained and everyone realises something.

First place has 10,000 points, get it and you win.

Once the Cavalry Battle starts Kyoka sits in my car Alt and watches everyone try to break in as I drive around and avoid them.

It was boring to be honest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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