Chapter 3:(edited)

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Zoey POV
What the hell happening? Me, my friends and the fire chicken (I don't know his name) immediately back away so that we wouldn't get dragged in. "Hey you," I said to the fire chicken. He looked confused and pointed to himself to make sure that I was talking to him. "Yea you, how do we end....*points to the boys fighting* that?" I asked him. "Eh... theirs nothing you can do. You just gotta let them fight it out." he said to me.

"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners? My name is Rodan and you gals are?" "Im Zoey, that's Barbra *I said as I pointed to her* and that's-" before I could say Queen Ghidorahs real name she put her hand over my mouth to prevent me from saying her real name. " I mean her name is Queen Ghidorah," I said to Rodan. "It's nice to meet all of you. I'm so sorry about those two out there who are *taking a quick peek outside the cave to see if Godzilla and Kong are fighting and they still are* still fighting?? Damm, this is unusual." Rodan says confusingly. "What do you mean?" I said. "They usually have small fights but I haven't seen them fight this bad before." Rodan says to us as he gets up and walks towards the boys fighting.

Rodan POV
I can't believe these two are fighting again. This is possibly the worst time to be fighting. "THAT'S ENOUGH- *As I put my hands between them so that I could keep them apart* -BOTH OF YOU!!" I yell at the both of them to stop this stupid fight.

I look at kong and noticed that he had many bruises and cuts that needed attention. "You ok kong?" I ask him knowing that he probably isn't. "No, my arm really hurts and I think I'm bleeding from my leg" said kong weakly.

I look down at his leg to see that...THEIR WAS A TINY CHUNK OF HIS LOWER LEG GONE!!! "Oh my god kong!!!! Your leg!!!"  I yelled at him. I'm not sure what to do because I don't have any medical supplies but maybe Zoey can help. "ZOEY!!" I call her name hopeing that she comes.

"I'm here what's....KONG!" She says as she run up to him and asks what happened. Oh no! I gotta hold down Godzilla before he goes to round2! I hold him down and yell " Zoey get Kong inside hurry, I will take care of Godzilla!!" I yell to her. "Why?!" She yells back. "I will explain later!" are you back at her before fighting Godzilla again. Oh boy, this is gonna be a while....

A few hours later....

Godzilla POV
God knows how long the both of us have been fighting for but I ended up giving Rodan a black eye and he is not happy about what happened between me and Kong.

"Big G.....WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! Why did you charge at him? How do you think that makes you look?!," he asked me. I didn't want to tell him because Kong said that the girl we were looking for would be very pretty and I got upset. "I don't know" I replied to him and it didn't look like the response he wanted. Frankly, I didn't give a shit.

"listen Big G, just because you are the king of the monsters does not mean you have the freedom to beat up, whoever the heck you want! Especially someone who saved you from near death because of Mechagodzilla." Rodan yells at me and takes a minute to breathe. I had completely forgotten about that. I had almost forgotten about the fight with MechaGodzilla and Kong. Just then and I have hundreds of flashbacks come rushing through my mind at the same time. They had been happening recently and I wasn't sure why, but I wanted to forget about it because they didn't bring happy memories. Just failure and everything that I lost.

"I know you came here looking for that girl, but you gotta keep your cool, OK? We don't wanna make these other kaiju think that you are a threat, or more importantly, that we are a threat Because you just beat up Kong for no reason! They also have powers unlike us and more advanced weapons so I suggest you keep your cool and try not to kill anybody. OK? let's try to survive and not get killed because you're all upset about this girl." he said to me. Maybe he was right that I angry just because of this girl? No that's not possible.

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