Chapter 14

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"Okay, remember what I said, think simply. Don't try to go overboard!" Luhan said before pushing Jongin towards the exit door of his and Minseoks shared room.

"Okay, okay. I texted Chanyeol and he said Kyungsoo is ready so I'm going straight there" Jongin replied while trying to get Luhans hands off him.

"Have fun, Jongin!" Minseok shouted over from the beanbag beside his bed. He and Jongdae were looking at some videos while waiting for Jongin to leave. Jongin shouted over a thank you before stepping into the hallway of their dorm and bracing himself for walking down to Baekhyun and Chanyeols room, where Kyungsoo was waiting patiently.

After reaching the destination he stood outside of Baekhyun and Chanyeols room, fixing himself a little more using the reflecting of his phone screen.

"Okay Jongin. You can do this" He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, hitting his knuckles off the wood three times and almost jumped from how fast the door swung open.

"Oh you're here. About time, I was planning on going out tonight" Chanyeol said and pulled Jongin into the room. "Kyungsoo! Jongin is here" he shouted. Jongin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Him and Baek are in the bathroom, doing some finishing touches with his hair or something. Don't be surprised if you see him in eyeliner." Jongin nodded and stayed standing.

The bathroom door opened and Baekhyun pushed out a very hesistant Kyungsoo, who kept his head down the entire time. Jongin's jaw dropped at the sight. Those skin-tight skinny jeans weren't good for ones health and weren't doing Jongin any justice.

"Uhm.. Shall we go?" Kyungsoo asked with his head still down. He could feel a slight blush creeping onto his face and tried his hardest to get rid of it.

"Oh.. Yeah. Yeah, let's go" And Jongin waited for Kyungsoo to walk over to him before waving at Baekhyun and Chanyeol. He didn't miss Baekhyuns voice saying 'They grow up so fast' and then a 'oh shut up Yoda' followed after.

The two walked to the car park, where Jongins car was waiting for them. He opened the door for Kyungsoo and although Kyungsoo was taken aback, he smiled and got into the shiny Silver Nissan SUV. Jongin hopped into the driver seat and fixed his mirror before even thinking of starting the car. He checked the time.


They were doing good on time. Jongin started the car and began driving. Kyungsoo didn't say a word and attempted to look at Jongin while driving because even though he looked nervous and was sweating, he looked hot as fuck. Kyungsoo tried to not smile at the sight and cleared his throat before speaking up.

"So, what's the plan?" He asked. Jongin looked up at his mirror before changing lanes.

"You'll see" Jongin replied. Kyungsoo groaned and Jongin just grinned and stiffled a laugh before looking up at the car mirror again and turning.

"Don't do this to me! I hate surprises" Kyungsoo pleaded. Jongin continued laughing at him and when they were on a straight road, Jongin shot a glimse at Kyungsoo which he shouldn't have done because pouting Kyungsoo was too cute for him to handle.

"Be patient, Soo. We're not far from there"

"What did you call me?" Kyungsoo said in a shy voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you didn't like it. Sorry" Jongin apologised and Kyungsoo began blushing again because it sounded cute when Jongin said his nickname

"No. I like it. A lot. I didn't have a nickname until now." Jongin smiled at Kyungsoo's answer. "I don't have a nickname for you, though. Oh no! I just made it sound like I want to have pet names for each other. Oh god. I should shut up. Kyungsoo shut up" Kyungsoo physically facepalmed himself.

This is new to me. {Kaisoo}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang