Chapter 19

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Full on Baekyeol chapter

"Because I like you"

Those words kept replaying themselves in Baekhyuns head. They haven't said anything to each other since earlier that night. Baekhyun was lying in bed staring at the ceiling. Baekhyun had assumed that Chanyeol was already asleep and there was no way he was going to be able to sleep right now. He groaned and sat up in his bed. He threw his legs over the side and put his slippers on before standing up. He grabbed a huddie and threw it over him before leaving his room as quietly as possible.

He got out his phone and dialed Kyungsoo's number. After it ringing and ringing it went to voicemail and Baekhyun sighed. Of course Kyungsoo wouldn't be up, it's like almost one in the morning. Baekhyun had no idea where to go but he needed to pass time before everyone else got up for school. He knew who would be up at this time and quickly searched for the number in his phone.

"Hello?" The person on the other line answered. He sounded tired but Baekhyun knew he wasn't going to sleep yet.

"Uh.. Kris I can't sleep and I'm kinda bored, can we hang out for a while? At least until you're going to sleep?" Baekhyun asked hopefully. He was standing at the door outside of his and Chanyeols shared room as he asked.

"Yeah, sure. Tao is staying in Yixings room tonight, I'm not sure why but because he won't be here you can sleep over" Kris responded. Baekhyun smiled and let his hand form into a fist of victory.

"Thanks, I'll be there in a minute or so"

"Alright, see you then"

And Baekhyun knew this probably wasn't going to help with anything but he felt so stressed that he just didn't care anymore. There was no way he allowing himself to fall for Chanyeol. He wasn't even sure if the younger was serious, he was probably just trying to trick Baekhyun into thinking that way so he had another reason to tease him.

Well, Baekhyun wasn't going to let that happen. He was determined to not fall for Park Chanyeol and if he even thought of it as a possibility he was going to do anything he can to get rid of the feeling.

He arrived at Kris' door faster than he thought, since he was stuck in his thoughts. He knocked and waited for Kris to open up and let him inside because the hallways weren't the warmest place on campus. The door slowly opened a couple of seconds later, revealing a smiling Kris. Baekhyun thought about how tired he looks and wondered if he disturbed him in his sleep.

"Hey, go make yourself comfortable" Kris said and closed the door behind Baekhyun, who was now inside the large dormitory room. Baekhyun went over to Kris' bed and leaned against the headboard while bringing his knees up. "So why can't you sleep?"

"It doesn't matter." Baekhyun said and laughed. He didn't want to seem depressed or anything, because he wasn't. Just a little confused, although he wouldn't admit it to himself.

"Okaaaay then. Want a drink?" Kris asked. Baekhyun shook his head, debating in his head what he should do in this situation. "Hm, okay"

Kris sat beside Baekhyun on his bed but leaned his back and head against the wall instead of the headboard. He yawned and looked at Baekhyun who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hey, Baek. You okay?" He asked in a concerned tone. Baekhyun snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Kris who was looking at him worriedly. He kept his gaze for a few seconds before jumper forwards and onto Kris. He quickly joined their lips together and didn't waste any time with getting it heated.

Kris was reluctant to kissing back, but did it anyways. He just had to make sure it didn't go too far. For about ten minutes the two sat on Kris' bed having a great game of tongue tennis. Baekhyun brought his hand from around Kris' neck down to his chest and his stomach, all the way down to his crotch. He began palming it. However, Kris broke away and moved his hand.

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