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Seoul International Hospital

"What? What color is it?" Taeyong's expression suddenly turned tense when Jennie just informed him that lately there was a bit blood in her panties

"Dark brown, or maybe dark red? l'm not sure" Of course his expression affect her so much, because Jennie was so nervous when answering his question

Meanwhile, Taeyong closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled a long breath before continue to talk "Well I must say that's a bad sign, Nini. It usually appears if there's a problem in pregnancy that also affects the baby. It can be caused by some accidents

"W-what does it means?" Taehyung stammered as he felt really frightened hearing his explanation

Taeyong exhaled heavely, "The worst effect is a miscarriage. You could lose your baby if it is more and more changed in blood"

Taehyung and Jennie went stiff as if they had just heard the verdict of the most deadly diseases "I'm sorry Nini for telling you this, but you must know. Well, did you by any chance got an accident or maybe feel so tired lately?" He tried to observe her

Jennie shook her head slowly "No. I didn't"

"Well, then you need bed rest and stop doing activities that will drain your energy for a while, ok?" He said as he wrote something onto her record health book

"But how's our baby, Taeyong" Taehyung asked worriedly

Taeyong stood and invited the Kim couple to walked towards the examination bed "Let's check the baby first" He gave a sign to the nurse to prepare some stuffs and also told to closed the curtain "This time I'll use 4D USG to know your baby's condition. I need to see it more clearly than before, is it okay?" He asked for their permission

"Yes" Taehyung said

"What is it Yong? Is that hurt?" Jennie frightened

"It's okay, Nini. It called CTG, heart rate recording device. I want to know whether your baby's heartbeat is beating normally" Then a few seconds later the room filled with the sound of beating heart that beat fast enough and regular. For the first time they heard their child's heartbeat and they look very amazed and touched by it

"Is that my baby's heart beat?" Jennie was about to cry when she carefully heard the heartbeat

Taeyong nodded his head and smiled, "Hmm, and I think it's fine. No need to worry, dear" While he prepared the 4D USG, the nurse noted the heart record result and gave to Taeyong. The nurse then took out the wires off to her belly and cleaned it before Taeyong started to rub the gel all over her belly and brushed by the probe slowly

For a few seconds later, he pulled the screen to closer by them so that they could see their baby clearly "Look, that's your baby" Taeyong's left hand pointed to the small figure on screen while his other hand was still brushing the probe on her belly

Jennie and Taehyung gasped in awe when they looked their baby even more clearly, like they were really see their own baby alive, I mean by their own vision, not through the screen because it's indeed looks so real. The baby moved a little as sucking the thumb while the feets slowly kicked randomly

Taeyong immediately counted the number of the baby's fingers and also checked all of her / his body part carefully while the nurse skillfully noted it "Oh thank God, your baby is fine, Nini. Look, all of the body part is complete and I finally can pronounce to you guys, that your baby is a.....boy"

"A BOY?!!" Jennie and Taehyung shouted in unison as they heard his confirmation about their baby gender

Taeyong almost laugh when he saw their silly expression just now. If only he could capture the moment to tease them someday, but unfortunately he didn't bring any camera and he absolutely couldn't do it since he was still holding the probe in his hand "Yes, it's a boy, because his 'little elephant' is so obvious, you see?" He pointed towards the baby's lower part to make sure about the gender once again. And it's pretty clear to show his little dick

Taehyung clapped his hands happily "Wow!! I can play basket ball with him someday!!" He cheered like a fool while Jennie could only pout, but she also felt happy

She - they - didn't care at all about it as long as the baby was still healthy, they don't mind at all about the result

"Omg! Look, Tae, he's moving!" Jennie squeezed her husband's arm when she saw her baby movement

"Yay, now he's covering his face from us. Feeling shy dear? Don't worry, you're the most handsome baby in the world" Taehyung chuckled

The entire room filled with the happiness, even Taeyong and the nurse also smiling happily to see their happy - reaction when they saw their baby through the screen

"So it showed us that your baby is fine, Nini" Taeyong said as he took out the probe and turned off the screen. He left all of it to be cleaned by the nurse then walked back towards his desk

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