best friend

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SCP 049035: Shia/SCP106096-2

SCP 106096-1: Stoney/SCP 173650 (she is basicly his only friend)

SCP 106096-2: Dominic/SCP 049035

SCP 682079: Uno,Dos and Tres/ SCP 682860-1,2 and 3 and SCP 939860

SCP 682860-1: Tech/SCP 682079 and her siblings

SCP 682860-2: Tech/SCP 682079 and his siblings

SCP 682860-3: Tech/SCP 682079 and their siblings

SCP 173650: Sammy/SCP 106096

SCP 173049: Stoney/SCP 173650 (one sideded)

SCP 173096: Dr. Grace (basically her only friend but she gets along with Shia)

SCP 939023: Niki/SCP 860023(they do fight sometimes but they are still besties)

SCP 860023: Zach/SCP 939023

SCP 939860: Tech/SCP 682079

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