A Letter

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 Dear L.H,

this is a letter to a person I don't really know. I am confused and I can't focus anymore. Ever since that day my feelings got stronger and have taken over. At first I had nothing for you. But we got along well enough. In time, the more frequently we met, the more I began to feel something. I really tried getting rid of it and lock it away. It worked only for some time. Some people would say, that this is the sin of lust. Actually greed would be more accurate. The more I experience with you, the more I want to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes. Your strengths and weaknesses. And the same I want to tell you about me. I don't want to be in your life, I want wo share ours. But this feels as wrong as it feels right. The doubt is killing me, for there is the chance it might be right. So before I tell you with uncertainty, I will not disturb you. The glimpse of what could have been is more than enough for me. I want to apologize, because I just love you too much.

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