Pep talk

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So this is the moment where my bad thoughts finally exhausted themselves. Let's look at everything in a positive light. If she hated you, she wouldn't have checked up on you or tried to give you advice. I she didn't care for you atleast as a friend she wouldn't have remembered the small things. She wouldn't have put such thought into a present. You need to start caring for yourself before caring for others. If you never stop people will believe that it is ok. Nobody can read your mind. Talk about it, when you feel sad. Not even only that. When you are angry, happy, jealous. Be open with yourself and stop playing those fake scenarios. Because that's all they are, fake! Everytime you think about them you already feel hurt before it even happens. I know that in the past it didn't always work out. But you are not the same. They are not the same. We are all originals and constantly changing. Closing up will just take the chance from everyone to start knowing the real you. Be more confident. You still matter. There was an impact however small it was. You owe it not to them. You owe it to yourself. Take it easy, but still take it!!!

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